Chapter 8: A Priceless Scroll

1420 Words
  Instant Teleportation can be used to teleport you to a faraway place in a flash.   You could use the Instant Teleportation Magic Scroll to get out of danger in an instant. It was a must-have scroll when traveling, and also for committing assassinations. Unfortunately, ordinary Mages could only cast regular Teleportation. There were very few Mages who could cast Instant Teleportation. The magic wasn’t the same without the word “Instant.”   Teleportation usually involved drawing a magic circle on the ground, where the caster had to stand, and chanting lengthy incantations that lasted for minutes or even tens of minutes. This kind of slow magic couldn't save your skin in a life-or-death situation.   But that wasn’t the case for Instant Teleportation, which was, as the name suggests, instant.   The only drawback of Instant Teleportation was that it was too powerful. People who knew this magic on the Land of Enchantment were few and far between. Only a top-tier Archmage could master Instant Teleportation, yet inscribing it on a scroll was another story. Making it into a scroll required high amounts of mana, and was much trickier than actually learning it. An Archmage required tons of mana to make a scroll, which then required a lot of time to replenish.   Archmage's would never simply give away such a powerful and useful scroll, for they were all in high positions, and had no intention of selling them for money. Otherwise, they would probably fall into the hands of their enemies, adding years to their lives.   For example, one scenario could involve an Archmage being in a tough showdown with one of his enemies, and finally getting the upper hand with his enemy's life in the palm of his hand. However, much to his surprise, the Archmage's enemy takes out an Instant Teleportation Magic Scroll that he gave to someone else half a year ago, and his enemy escapes with a smile and a “Thank you.”   The scroll then activates and teleports his enemy to god-knows-where. This would be incredibly frustrating, causing the Archmage to fly into a fit of rage.   In short, this kind of scroll was extremely rare! So rare that most ordinary people would never have the chance to even see one. Cheryl recognized it because she had read about its symbols in a magic tome.   Cheryl couldn't help but stand in awe, “What?! Oh my goodness. You... know how to do this?! But... aren’t you a Priest?”   “Shush!” Robb placed a finger in front of his lips and whispered, “Keep your voice down. Let's keep it low-key.”   Cheryl lowered her voice and looked carefully around Robb, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to talk loudly. I was just so amazed.”   “Don’t worry.” Smiled Robb, “I scouted the area using Scout. No one heard you, but they will if you continue blabbering on like this.”   “S... scout?” Cheryl was astonished again, “That's an exclusive Ranger skill. Who... who on earth are you...?”   Robb stopped her with a smile on his face, “Well, if you keep pushing me for these secrets, I might have to kill you to keep them safe.”   Cheryl wasn't startled this time. She saw Robb's soft eyes and knew he was obviously kidding. She also read two things from his eyes: first, he trusted her to keep his secrets; second, he wasn't afraid of revealing his secrets. Even though the world knew how powerful and mysterious he was, he was still scared of nothing.   Cheryl nodded with a serious look on her face, “Okay, I won’t ask any more questions. "Now I know you're even more powerful than we thought. It seems you've learned divine power, space magic, and Ranger exclusive skills. Yet you're still so young," she thought.   She already knew that Robb practiced different types of magic, but there was nothing unusual about that. Many influential people practiced various kinds of magic at the same time. The most common combination was fire, water, wind, and thunder. However, this Robb standing before her was the most powerful person she'd ever heard of. Not only had he mastered divine power that could bring down a bipedal dragon, he had also mastered space magic to the level of an Archmage. It was terrifying! Really terrifying!   Robb picked up the newly made scroll and put it in Cheryl's hand, “Take this. Use this scroll when you guys encounter any trouble that you can't handle. Just remember, this scroll can only teleport one team... ahem... five people, including yourself. Make sure the people you want to teleport with are within five yards of you when using the scroll.   “Huh?!” Stammered Cheryl, “You're just... giving it to me?! You're... giving me this priceless scroll?!”   Robb threw up this hand, “I said take it. Do I look like someone who goes back on their word?”   “But... but... this is so valuable.”   Robb winked and smiled, “Is that so? So you’re saying you don't want it? Well, I can take it back if that’s what you want.”   Cheryl's face stiffened for a moment. The gift was too valuable to accept, for she'd only met Robb slightly earlier by chance. But holding this scroll was equal to gaining an extra life. It would be a shame for her to return it to Robb. With her tiny hands trembling gently around the parchment, she had no idea what to do.   “Alright, stop thinking about it. Just take the scroll.” Grinned Robb, “You just saw how easy it was for me to make it. It’s not priceless to me.”   “Easy?!” Cheryl asked gingerly, “I heard that making it consumes a lot of mana. Even an Archmage has to spend more than ten days meditating to compensate for the loss of mana. Aren’t you... exhausted now? Are you deliberately understating how much effort it was so I will take the scroll?"   “Is that so?” Robb responded indifferently. He checked his status and found that his mana had only dropped a tiny fraction. After all, he'd obtained the power his character had in the game, not the power he'd had in the real world. There's no way a game would require ten days of resting before using magic again. That would seriously upset their players. They would never make any money from such a lousy gaming experience if that were the case.   Also, players in a game couldn't die like they would in the real world. They would respawn back in a city, even if they were totally obliterated. Most players used Instant Teleportation Magic Scrolls to fast travel or pass through rugged terrain instead of using them to escape deadly situations.   That was why this scroll wasn't worth much in the game, and it was impossible to set it at a high mana cost.   Robb learned a piece of essential information from Cheryl. Clearly, his skill framework was subtly different from that of this world, at least in terms of mana consumption. He thought, "I have a great advantage here. If there's an all-rounder in this world who has high levels in all skills and decides to have a duel with me, he'll be no match for me at all. He'd run out of mana after just a few rounds.   "What else, besides waving a sword, could he do without magic? To hell with him waving his sword!"   These thoughts passed in a heartbeat, and Robb smiled at Cheryl, “It may consume quite a bit of mana, but I’m not going anywhere except to kill my time in the Church. It won’t be long before I regain my mana, so just rest assured and take this scroll. I care more about your guys’ safety than the mana I spent on this scroll.”   Cheryl finally gave in to the temptation of having an extra life. She carefully put the roll into her bag and showed great courtesy to Robb, “Thank you very much for your generous gift. I will remember this kindness.”   After that, she gave Robb a charming glance, “How I wish you could join me on my adventures.”   Robb threw up his hands, “Sorry, I'm really tired of this... ahem, tired of helping others complete their quests. I just want to relax and live a more leisurely life.”
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