Chapter 82 Hard-hearted Robert

1248 Words

Robert hated trouble and just wanted to idle every day, but reality did not allow it. He could only blame himself for having chosen to be a priest. Although he felt happy to be respected by everyone, it was too troublesome. Now, more than 300 refugees had come to the open space outside the church and were looking at him with helplessness in their eyes, and a few of them were acting very exaggeratedly. They were kneeling on the ground, bowing to the church, and repeating, "The God of Light Balder, please save us. Robert, please help us. " Robert was speechless. Ish immediately let the refugees come in and asked them to rest in the hall of the church, but the small hall could not accommodate more than 300 people. Therefore, only the old, women, and children entered the hall in the end, w

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