Chapter 73 Sugar

1211 Words

Honey was the hard currency in medieval times. Because people had not mastered sugar-making technology, honey was the only way to obtain sweetness. Several lords had fought wars for it. The Crusade's slogan was "Getting the land of milk and honey back", which showed the importance of honey. Sherry put the honeycomb in front of Robert and said, "This is a gift for you. It is not as valuable as the gifts you gave us. But you look very particular about food. With this, you can make honey bread." Robert liked this gift. He had been in this world for more than a month but had not eaten anything "sweet" yet. This world lacked sugar-making technology, so he had long craved sweet food. Taking the honeycomb over, Robert grinned, "Thank you so much! Lilian, hurry to put the honeycomb away. Make

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