Chapter 71 Men's Arrogance

1100 Words

In fact, long socks had long become popular among the upper class. Aristocratic men liked to wear long socks, and some of them even used the silk from Dekton to make such socks. After the Mad Warrior Baron Parsars, who had cooperated with them, returned to Bright Road and took off his armor, he would also wear suits and long socks when attending social events. Long socks were not rare. Therefore, when the adventurers saw Lilian make a pair of socks, they felt disappointed. Gordon shook his head, "You went into the mountains, served as bait, fought the skeletons, killed the Necromancer, traveled with a Strategic Transported Door, and attached the highest-level buff to Lilian… Robert, I felt speechless now. " Calvin also shrugged. Although he said nothing, he also thought Robert had mad

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