Chapter 20. Alice's plan.

1363 Words

After Megan was gone from their presence, Alice looked at the man she loved without saying anything. She did not know what to say to him, and he too was gazing at her. He knew the words that were going through her mind as she stared, but he still waited for her to say something. "You don't have to provide those things my mother has requested." She finally said something. "We can run away together tonight. I bet my mother will look for me and she will ask that I come back home with you." "No, Alice. Let me go, I will come back for you, I promise." "I have waited so long for you, so I will not let you leave my sight again. If you leave, then I am leaving with you." "But I don't have anywhere to lay my head tonight. Your mother has blocked me from entering my chamber." "You can stay with

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