Chapter 29. Refusing help.

1055 Words

When he returned to his room, he rested on the bed while Alice asked, "Sweetheart, how did the meeting with my mother go?" "Not bad. She had stamped that you will be working here despite my telling her that I can cover up for both of us." Then she knew that was the reason why he was moody, and decided to ease his mood by saying. "It's okay, you shouldn't think about it too much. It's only going to be for one week and we will leave." "I'm sorry that I have dragged you into this life. But I promise to give you a better life. One that you deserve." "I understand. Together we will make sure we are happy and well to do. Besides, I chose this life. I am happier with you than to enjoy wealth without true love." She said this from the bottom of her heart and it was not hidden from Martin. At

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