Chapter 74. Is it a promise?

1152 Words

Luke Barker was convinced beyond reasonable doubt that Martin will surely want to do more for him, but at the moment there was nothing he could think about so he said. "I shall think in this regard. As for the moment there is none. Maybe the joy of the already deed had caused them to skip my mind. Notwithstanding, since you have asked, if there is any, then I will not hesitate to tell you." "Is it a promise?" Martin asked as he did not trust Luke on this. He knew that Luke might not want to tell him of another thing because he had done more than he expected. "Yes Sir, it is a promise." He reluctantly pronounced the word as he was eager to go. "Okay. I will hold you to your word as I wait for your response." "If that is all, can I be on my way?" "Shouldn't we have lunch together?" "I

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