chapter 38. It is not what you think.

1220 Words

Full of surprises after hearing Elizabeth speak from behind them, they turned and looked at her in silence, not knowing what to say, they were short of words. Elizabeth was not baffled by their shock and inability to utter a word, she knew she had put them in that state, so she continued referring this time to her daughter, "You, where do you think you are taking them to without telling me? Are you intending to support them against my will?" Now Megan had to speak, to clarify her mother on the reason why she was found talking with Martin, "No mom, it is not what you think." Not allowing her to finish, "Then what is it if it is not what I think??!!" She scolded Megan so that she would forget the words that she was about to say. But her aim of raising her voice was not a success because

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