Chapter 113. Unaware, my foot.

1285 Words

Luke did not expect those words from Elizabeth, and they proved to him that Elizabeth did not trust him but did not stop him from being quick to come up with an answer for her. He said, "Why do I have the feeling that you don't trust me? If you didn't, why did you call me for this? She is on her way here and there is no way I can call you when she is here because she will know that you were the one that asked me to call her. So a text message would be better as it will be much easier for me to defend if I have to." Elizabeth was now disappointed in herself that she had asked him that. She knew the way those words had made Luke begin to see her. She whispered to her's that she had f****d up and now she had to make amends as she said to him. "I'm sorry Luke. I didn't mean to hurt you with m

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