Chapter 85. I'm fine but not fine

1039 Words

When Megan Dean got home that evening, by some minutes past six o'clock, she met her mother in the sitting room all by herself listening to the news seriously, so she greeted her. "Good evening mom, I'm back." But Elizabeth did not reply to the greeting as her whole attention was on what they were saying and what she was seeing on the television. That was strange to Megan that she had to draw near to know what had captured the mind of her mother that much. As she sat close to Elizabeth, that was when it came to her knowledge that her daughter was back from the school, so she said. "Ahh, you are back? When did you return?" "Just now. I was greeting you but you didn't answer. It appears something got your attention and made you so carried away that you couldn't hear me greeting." Megan

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