Chapter 61. Help your son.

1196 Words

When they got to where Luke was, she stopped the car. As they came down from the car, her heart was full of joy as she handed the keys back to Martin, saying. "Thank you very much Sir. You don't know how happy I am now for allowing and showing me how to drive." "It's nothing, I'll say you did well. So where is Luke," he asked her because there were people walking up and down both male and female so anyone could be Luke Barker. "He's over there," she led him to where Luke was standing under an umbrella tree. "Hi Luke," she called his attention as he was facing another direction. He turned and saw her with Martin while she continued. "This is the person I told you about." "Good morning, Sir," Luke stretched out his hands and exchanged handshakes with him. Then she said to Martin, "I will

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