As we disembarked from the aircraft the warmth of the sun prickled at my skin, it was, according to the captain of the flight 32 degrees. “I am going to be like a tomato in this heat!” Sam exclaimed. That was something I never had to worry about, as I tanned easily, and always went a golden brown, “Trust you to get Dad’s dark skin, and I get the short straw with Mother’s fair skin” he continued.
Sam’s hair was as black as night, but his skin was very pale, I used to tease him when we were younger calling him Mr Snow White! That often ended in a play fight of some sort or other, and always be coming off worse.
“I go brown Sam” Myla interrupted smiling up at him, oh no here we go, let’s hope she doesn’t start with her crush on him, she had carried a torch since we were 13, and Sam was not in the least interested in her, which only caused her want of him to deepen.
As predicted my brother just stared at her, changing the subject.
We walked through the concourse, and I noticed a lot of posters, with a Dark haired man in Purple leather holding a black with purple stripes helmet under his arm, he was extremely good-looking, with chiselled features, and a big smile, and dark brown eyes that would melt and iceberg Spanish not only from the amount of posters around but by breath-taking good looks. The hashtag #SA39 is in bold letters across the bottom along with Champion. My ability to understand Spanish was limited however I could make out that there was a Motorbike Championship race at the Circuit de Catalunya. The penny dropped, and my brother had offered up his services for coming on our holiday, not just to help me but also because it was a race weekend, and I knew he would make every effort to get me to attend with him. I was not a fan, I had watched one of the races with him on the TV a few years ago, the only race I had ever watched a rider had lost his life, right in front of my eyes. Tears sprung to my eyes at the memory, and needless to say, I had never watched another race with him again.
I turned to my brother, as he was looking at the poster, “Well isn’t that a coincidence Sam!” I exclaimed sarcastically, he looked sheepishly back at me, “Sorry, but please can we go?”
Myla stepped in saying “Yes Nat, don’t be a baby let go” Oh dear, she hadn’t got over her crush on my brother, and I knew I would be fighting a losing battle, with both on my case but maybe, hopefully, the tickets would be sold out.
“You two can go, I will have a day around a pool somewhere” I responded. Myla went to protest, but Sam interrupted her “Please just think about it, Nat, I have already got us tickets for the weekend, you will enjoy it, honestly,” So he had planned this all along, probably since I had confided in him about my holiday plans!
I huffed, and turned on my heal, as much as I loved my brother, I should have realised that to make this trip with both me and Myla, there must have been something in it for him. A race weekend was three days, I suppose I could manage to compromise for three days out of fourteen, but I was not going to let him know he had won just yet.
Another poster was in front of me this time of an older man his head shaved, in dark green leather and a yellow helmet, with the hashtag #AS 61 and the Polish flag. This poster did not hold my attention, and I quickly turned away. It was just over a week away, so I had plenty of time to make my brother squirm and beg and plead to go.
As our taxi pulled up at the hotel, I noted how beautiful the architecture on the building was, the sand-coloured stone, with miniature bay windows and small iron balconies expanded across the street, anywhere else the hotel would look magnificent and beyond compare, but here, it looked almost ordinary surrounded by the fantastic buildings and cathedrals throughout the city. This place was truly beautiful and even more beautiful than I had dreamed of. I could not wait to start to explore. Myla, however, could not wait to get into a bikini and strut her stuff around the ample swimming pool. She shrieked with delight at the bronzed men lying sunbathing, turning to me, saying “Now this is the view we want, not those stuffy buildings Nat” I smiled and laughing said “Trust you Myla! There is more to life you know!”
“Yeah, Nat there is, like motorbike racing!!” Sam quipped at me, smiling and winking. I turned and gave him the best look of aloofness I could muster but could not fully suppress the small giggle in my throat, at the boyish look on his face.
We checked in at reception, and the lady behind the desk was making eyes at my brother, I smiled as she was making her interest clear, and he had not picked up on any of the signs at all. The bell boy showed us to our rooms, I was glad to not have to share, something Myla had insisted on, stating I would “Cramp her Style” and that she “Needed” to have a room to herself so we “HAD” to find the extra money. At first, this had annoyed me, as it had taken so long to save up just to afford the holiday, and having to find yet more, just so Myla could live her s****l fantasy’s on this holiday had been more than a little irritating. However, now we were here, I was glad to have a place of my own, to escape when needed, and not have the worry of being “Locked Out” for a few hours whilst she was enjoying the locals. My room was ornate, with a large double bed in the centre, and a dressing table off to the side. The wardrobe looked like it had been transported from a CS Lewis novel, and my mind wandered to the possibility of being transported to another world through the back. My phone pinged a text message. Mam ‘Are you there yet?’ it read. I quickly picked it up and rang, thankfully she had agreed to cover the cost of the bill if I promised to keep in touch.
“Hiya, I was just about to text you, we are here. The hotel is beautiful, and from what I can see the city is amazing!”
“That’s good, what are you doing now, have you managed to find somewhere to eat” she asked concerned.
“Not yet, we have just arrived, Sam is going to ask at reception for recommendations, don’t worry, but I have to go unpack and meet up with Myla and Sam, so I will text you tomorrow.”
“Okay, your Dad said to enjoy yourself, but be careful”
“yes Mam, bye” I hung up the phone smiling, my family, this was so difficult for them, I was the baby, and as Damon had often screamed the one on a pedestal so high that one day I would fall off and break my neck! He was charming like that.
I unpacked my suitcase, and as it was only 15:00 hours, I decided to put on a black swimsuit with white shorts, I looked in the mirror, and tied my long brown hair up into a ponytail, I placed a small amount of sunscreen onto my face, arms and shoulders, picked up my bag and headed out to Myla’s room.
Myla was standing in a two-piece white bikini that left not a lot to the imagination, she looked me up and down and tutted, “Trust you to look like the local Nun, even in a swimsuit, we are on holiday !” “I will make one promise to you Nathalie Sutherland, by the end of these two weeks, you will realise what a beautiful figure you have, and will learn to show it off a little more!”
“I think you look beautiful Nat,” Sam was already in her room, which was a bit strange, as normally he would avoid being anywhere near her especially alone, maybe he was making an effort for my sake, or was conspiring with her to get me to the Race.
“So, what is the Plan? I thought we could check out the pool, and catch some sun, for a couple of hours before food” I said
“We were just talking about that,” Myla said with a huge smile on her face, “ We are going to eat at the hotel tonight, but Sam has found a nightclub we can go to later, let’s get this party started, and Do not dress like a NUN!”
I laughed; she was really on a mission to find someone this holiday!
The pool was warm, and although many people were at the hotel, it was large enough to swim around without the need to take action. The water felt good, after the long flight and early start. Sam joined me, and Myla soon followed, he playfully splashed me trying to dunk me under the water, Myla joined in splashing Sam, however again he ignored her, and concentrated on his attempts to nearly drown his little sister. We were all laughing and joking around when suddenly Myla got out of the pool, and sat, looking like thunder on the sun lounger.
“someone is upset she isn’t getting the attention” Sam quipped
“behave, Sam, you know she gets no attention at home, I am going to see if she is Okay”
“I would ignore her, she wants you to run after her, and you do it every time Nat” It bothered me how my family refused to see her good side.
I swam to the side of the pool and shouted across, to Myla to come back in but she was not in the mood to come over and looked down in the dumps. I got out of the pool and lay on the bed next to her. She looked at me and said “Is he going to be with us all the time Nat, This should be our holiday and he is leaving me OUT!” she exclaimed, I looked on at my friend, I knew Sam was right that she was just wanting the attention, but I could not handle a fall out on our first day. “Sorry Myla, we will make sure we have girly time tonight” I smiled at her. She wasn’t impressed and the atmosphere changed from pure delight to be very uncomfortable for over an hour, till eventually a waiter came over and asked her if she would like a drink from the Bar, this cheered her up as she flirted with him and he with her.
“Dinner is at Seven guy’s, and I need to get out of this sun before I get even more red. I will see you downstairs Okay” Sam suddenly announced as the waiter “accidentally” dropped an ice cube on Myla’s chest.
“Yeah, see you then Sam” I smiled at him.
“I am heading up soon Myla are you staying here or going to get ready” as asked
Myla looked at me smiled and winked, then said, you go up now I will stay here. I looked at her, I knew that meant she wanted to be alone, with the waiter boy, so I dutifully collected my belongings and headed up to my room.
I had chosen a knee-length red tight V-neck dress, made of Saturn. The dress nipped in at the waist with a black belt showing off my slim figure, I was more comfortable in Jeans and a dress top, however, I was not going to have Myla berate me for not being dressed up enough. I picked up a black pair of high-heeled open toe shoes and my black clutch bag, looking in the mirror hoping I looked okay. V-necked dresses or tops were not something I would wear, as I tried to hide my ample bust, however, we were on holiday, and I needed to at least look confident even if I did not feel it. I touched up my lipstick and with a final spray of Channel Allure I had picked up from the duty-free this morning, I headed out to Myla’s room next door.
Myla looked me up and down and said, “I suppose you look Okay” She smiled at me and although I knew my friend was teasing my confidence took a dive, Myla was dressed in a short black sequenced dress, that left little to the imagination, she looked stunning, and I wished I had more of her carefree attitude to clothing.
“Are we heading down, Sam will be waiting we are already 10 mins late Myla?” I asked.
“yeah sorry, I got distracted” She smiled at me and winked. Oh, dear another notch on her bed post it seemed.
We headed down the staircase where Sam stood, he looked excited like a small boy in the candy store.
“You will never guess who I have just seen Nat” he exclaimed as we approached him.
“Micky Mouse” I responded laughing at him
“Ha, Ha, No I saw Sabino Antlia “he grinned down at me
“Who?” I asked, I had no clue who he meant. “Oh Nat, the rider on the Posters at the airport” Myla interrupted