Hold It Together

1737 Words

=======Kristin ======= Peter had gone mad.  That was it.  Who laid on another person and rhythmically tapped them?  A mad man, that’s who…  At least that’s what she told herself when her thoughts came back to her. Momentarily she realized the energy cannons had moved off of their position, which meant no matter how strange he had been up until this point, he did know a thing or two.  And… he did protect her, which even she could see, despite all of the nonsense she had been put through to get to see him. The feel of his palm over her face still haunted her thoughts but the facts of this day were still laying on top of her. His weight alone, limp against her, couldn’t be imagined.  Kristin clawed at the blanket still covering her then, looking for oxygen, any of it. Even the dank sm

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