Chapter Eight

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Emma Clifton "There is a bad news class". Mrs William announced, getting the class attention. The smile that was normally plastered on her face was absent today. "Last night, Mr Edmond was found dead in his apartment. According to the police, he was murdered around 8pm last night and he was only discovered 10 pm". "All classes will be cancelled today and tomorrow in respect of the late teacher". Everyone grew quiet at the sudden news. She left after she announced the news. I couldn't help but feel clouded in my heart. Standing up shakily, I moved put of the class. Since there will be no lecture today, I'll be going home. I stopped by my locker to pack my books but the moment I opened it, I knew I shouldn't have. A white paper fell out of the locker immediately I opened it. Bending down to pick it, I frozed seeing the words written on it, with thick red...I hope it paint. "ONE DOWN...GAME ON, BERYL". Beryl ? Someone called me that before...who? *** Emma Clifton After Mr Edmond death and the mysterious letter I had become really paranoid, fearing anything close to me. Knowing the letter was connecting to Mr Edmund's death, I started wondering why I got that letter. I mean I'm not close to Mr Edmund so why would someone kill him to threaten me. It doesn't just make any sense at all. I became more of a loner as the week goes by. I was always a loner but I don't feel safe being one now. All I feel now is eyes on me when I'm alone. It felt like someone was watching me my every move but mom said I was just being paranoid. Dad noticed when he came for the weekend and let's just say that how I end up back here at Mrs Helen's therapy class. I have been here a few times, when I was 15 after an incident in my course mate home but I stopped after somehow convincing my parents that I was OK. But here I am again, sitting on a white chair in a boring plain white room, in front of the infamous therapist. "So Emma" she shifted her glass up ( an old habit of hers that she never seems to get rid of). "How have you been?". her voice were calm and soft like usual but I know she mastered it as a result of her profession. "Hmmn, OK?". my answer even sounds more like a question in my ear. Am I OK? I'm not!!. I'm freaking not OK. "You can trust me right?". ..."I'm your therapist... at least I have been for about 3 months. So share your thought with me, I'll help you solve them". She talked sweetly almost purging out the truth from me but I wasn't the young Emma. I know that and even she knows it too. "Dad got this wrong Helen. I'm just still shaken by the train incident, that's all". "Lily got over it, thats not an excuse. Its been a month now . Everyone has gotten over it". She said calmly but which got me angry. "Well they are not the one who got a chance to save everyone and screwed it. They are not the one who had that dream. Lily wasn't the one questioned by the police for about a week. She wasn't the one that....". I stopped .I realized that I have fallen into her tricks once again. Helen's method had always been to trigger her patients so they burst out their thoughts when they are infuriated. She smiled "You see Emma, that wasn't so hard to do"."You're mad, right?". I nodded. "at yourself?". I nodded again. "You feel like taking a knife in the kitchen and then cut yourself, right?". I almost nodded. Almost ..when I snapped out of it. "You...". I pointed accusingly at her. "You're trying to make admit what I don't have on my mind". "You're trying to brainwash me into thinking I want to kill myself". I said in shock. Why didn't I realized this sooner. This was the same thing she did 3 years ago that made my parent think I was really mentally degraded. "No Emma. I'm just helping you to understand your mind" ..her always calm voice, that's the most annoying side of her. "No!! You were brain washing me!". I yelled. "Is that what you do to all your patients. Do you brainwash them into making them and their family think they're crazy or suicidal. Is that what you've been doing all along?". I just still can't....... "I'm just bringing your inner thinking out so you'll feel better".her always calm facade had been betrayed by the sweat on her forehead. "Well thanks so much, i feel a lot better". i spat, sarcasm dripping heavily in my tone .I snatched my backpack angrily from the floor "I'm never gonna come back here anymore. No one will force me to". With that I ran out, not believing I almost admitted into being suicidal. I've never being suicidal all my life. I only realized I didn't take my coat when the cold slapped me in the face immediately I came out of the building. I subconsciously tried to warn myself up which I didn't succeed in. Couldn't get a cab because bit was quite late so I had to push it through. I hadn't realized I had into an alley until someone smacked my bum. On reflex, my hand flew up to the man cheek, landing a resounding slap . I was shell shocked for a few seconds before I realized the mess I walked into. Three men, all clad in black surrounded me, emmiting dark aura. I shuddered, trying to get away from them but I was backed into a wall. Oh God "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to... it was....instinctive. I swear...spare me..I'll never show up in your face again". I ranted, breaking into hot sweat. I didn't get a reply as they seems to be examining me. "She's the one, right?". the blonde one on the side said with a smirk. A cold one. "Yeah"the one I slapped replied, his eyes staring intensively at me. "No no no. You've got it all wrong. I'm not the one. I've never met you guys in my life. Please just let me go ". I pleaded desperately but they all ignore me again. I made an attempt to push the one on the left so I could run for it but I was pushed back to the wall with inhumane speed. I groaned, trying to stand but I think I might have broken a bone or two. "She's weaker than the prophecy says". the third one who has been quiet all these while clicked his tongue disapprovingly. He hovered above me and his lips move, muttering some kind of language. All of a sudden, I felt sleepy and my eyelids felt 100 times heavier. I struggled to keep my eyes open but whatever he did to me was very strong because gradually I started feeling myself slip away. But before I finally closed my eyes, a bright light flashed, seemingly to come from me. It threw the men to the floor. Then I felt I was in someone arms which explode sparks into me. Mesh? "We meet again, princess" his voice...oh his voice. I relaxed in his arms, letting sleep pull me away.
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