Chapter Ten

668 Words
Emma Clifton "Dinner's up Lily". I said, coming out of the kitchen while removing the glove on my hand. Looking over to my sister, I noticed that she was dressed like she was going out. "You're not staying for dinner?". "No. I'm having a sleepover at Tiffany's". She replied, without sending me a glance. "You should have said that before started cooking". I groaned in frustration. "And you're going to sleepover dressed like that?". I eyed her from up to toe "You look more like you're going for a date". "No no no. But I'll be having a date tomorrow, with the hottie of the school". she clicked her tongue, her eyes still on her phone. "Who? Fred?". I sighed, taking a seat on the couch. Don't she get tired of dates? "Wrong again. Fred was the hottest but now its Lucian". She said a 'duh' tone, making my face drop. Lucian? " Lilly I warned you about this guy. I told I told you he is off-limits". I almost yelled " why don't you just listen to me for once". " Emma I don't know if you realise this but I'm the elder sister you can't tell me what to do". " as long as I do like him there is nothing you can do or say to convince me not to do so". " Not this again Lily, not this again, I thought we talked it through". I yelled in frustration. " You're getting so worked up over this .Is there something I don't know about I mean I've gone on a date with countless guys and this guy is no different so what's up why you so worked up". She yelled too, loosing her normal 'I don't care' composure " Remember that train wreck?, Lucian was there I saw him with my bare eyes. There is just something about that guy that doesn't seems right there is something about it that is so fishy and I can't just figure it out". I was very sure it was Lucian I saw then. His eyes...there was no other like them. "Wow incredible Emma , incredible , so you're even making things up now , can you get so low." " No Lily I'm not making this up, I swear I'm not". My eyes were beginning to get teary. " remember..." I sniffed " remember when Mr Edmund got murdered, I found a note in my locker saying 'one down Beryl', that name 'Beryl ' was what Lucien called at the school entrance the other day. Everything is just all connected ,I'm really not making it up" I insisted but Lily refuses to believe me. Its all just making sense to me. Somehow Lucian is connected to all that have been happening to me. " You know what I think now?". Lily scoffed " You're just jealous. You're jealous that you don't get even quarter of the attention I get .You're just jealous that you're nothing like me and you just jealous that you are a weird b***h while I I am the real deal". " you are just an hideous girl and you will never find your place in the world because no one is like you". She spat out "Lily". I was speechless. Did my sister just say that to me? She looked really guilty for a second but the damage was done already " I'll be at Tiffany's, don't call me". With that she left the house making me feel empty inside. I couldn't sleep that night Lily's word kept ringing and ringing and ringing in my head making feel like I was going crazy or maybe I'm really running crazy. Doubt was running through my head, what if I'm mistaken about Lucian, does that make me at fault? what if everything that have been happening is just my hallucination and maybe I'm really paranoid like my mum said or maybe everything don't happen at all . I'm not even sure of life anymore .
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