Unveiling the Unspoken.

1879 Words

20 Unveiling the Unspoken. Valdi submitted his resignation a month ago. Nowadays, Valdi spends more time at home. He plans to fill his time by writing a scientific research book. Nanette is very supportive of his writing endeavor, hoping it will keep Valdi engaged and prevent him from getting bored at home. Valdi has also become less prone to outbursts and anger. His emotions have been stable for the past month. Perhaps it's because he no longer carries the burden of work-related stress, or it could be due to the medication prescribed by Cynthia, which Valdi takes regularly, helping him stay calmer. Their married life has also regained its harmony from the past. They often have conversations in the backyard overlooking the small swimming pool, and they continue to sleep cuddled up every

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