And then she surprised me. Still smiling she leaned forward and kissed me. I was stunned. She stepped back, observed the fantamyrrh of her voller and climbed aboard. She lifted her arm in final salute. “Remberee, Jak. I do not forget what help you have given a poor girl from a Banje shop.” “You mean a wild tiger-girl, do you not? Remberee, Jilian the Claw.” The voller lifted away. I wondered if I would ever see her again. Work — well, there is always work. The army was commanded by men whom you have met in my narrative, and others I have not so far mentioned. But all, I felt, were competent, brave and loyal. To be anything less in those dark days for Vallia was a species of crime. Nath had taken his three Phalanxes. Farris commanded the air. He would have nothing of remaining in Vondiu