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CHAPTER TWO“His Lordship – be dead!” Hitchin stammered. “What can we do?” Devona murmured. “Nothin’, miss.” Devona was wondering just who she should contact about the funeral and she thought that she would have to let his relations know. She also remembered that, now the Earl was dead, the next Earl would step into his place. “Do you know who his relations are?” she asked Hitchin, who shook his head. “No! The Missus and I come here to The Hall after he had quarrelled with them. He used to say to me, ‘they are only after all my money, so I have not seen any of my family for more than ten years’. It must be twenty-one or twenty-two by now.” Devona had heard him say the same to her, but that did not help at the moment. She thought that they ought to send for the doctor, but there woul

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