Chapter 20 – The Past Revisited-3

375 Words

Late Saturday afternoon, June 21st, 2014 Nate’s older sister Sarah and I were having a very late lunch and catching up with each other in her little condo overlooking Washington Park. We’d been very close when Nate and I were together. Now, she was coming to my rescue and putting me up, at least for the night. After lunch, Sarah was going to let me raid her closet for something appropriate to wear to meet with Mike Roan since we’re about the same size and I was living out of a little duffle bag. “I really appreciate you helping me out. Thanks so much!” “What are old friends for?” “I’m just glad you still want to be friends.” “Dana, I’ll be honest; I always thought Terri was all wrong for you.” “Look, I know you were upset when it didn’t work out between Nate and me, but you know tha

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