Chapter Six

1572 Words
As the girls clattered their way down the stairs on the Friday night, Courtney dressed in a silver backless sequined dress, her red hair falling down her back in a french braid, Darcy in an electric blue strapless lycra dress with an over sized black belt around her waist, all three girls in black heels, clutching their purses as they scurried over to the front door and down the steps to the waiting SUV, Merrick stood by the back door holding it open for them. 'Looking lovely tonight ladies' he said with a smile as they ushered past him and clambered in to the back seat, watching as he shut the door firmly and made his way round to the drivers side door. 'Still so hot' muttered Courtney as Isabella and Darcy giggled, shhing her as Merrick slid behind the wheel, shutting his door and clipping his seat belt. 'Car doesn't move till all the precious cargo is secured' he growled playfully, looking at the trio in his rear view mirror. 'Yes Mr Bossy Boots' Isabella retorted as the three girls pulled on their seat belts, clipping them in to their housing with a soft click. Nodding approvingly, Merrick turned the ignition and put the vehicle in gear, sliding slowly down the gravel driveway and out through the gates, heading toward the nearby town where he followed the signs for the new club that had just opened. Drawing up outside, Merrick stared at the large Neon sign that flickered with the name 'Night Beats' for a moment before turning to the excited girls in the back, 'OK, have fun girls but remember, you stay together, no-one enters or leaves without the others, any problems, link me and I will be there in seconds, ok?' he asked, catching each girls eye. The trio nodded solemnly before jumping out of the car, Merrick stepping out with them and leading them toward the two bouncers who were controlling the long line waiting to get into the club.  Beckoning one over, Merrick spoke in a low voice to him, gesturing to Isabella, the bouncer looked her up and down before nodding and undoing the clasp on the rope, stepping back to allow the three girls to enter. Giggling happily, Isabella gave Merrick a quick wave before allowing herself to be swept along with her friends into the night club. 'OK I admit it, sometimes its cool to be besties with the Alpha's daughter' Darcy conceded as they made their way over to a booth, dropping onto the plush purple velvet seating and looking up as a scantily clad woman walked up to their table smiling, 'What can I get you pretty young ladies to drink?' she asked, pulling a chewed pencil from behind her ear and placing it on a clean page of her notebook that she rest on her serving tray, jotting down their table number quickly before looking up at them expectantly. 'umm three vodka and diet coke's' Darcy replied, looking at her friends who both nodded silently. 'You got it sweet thing, i'll be right back' the waitress replied before sashaying her way back to the bar, leaning over to give the drinks orders for her tables as the muscular bartender nodded his head and started to pour various drinks into glasses, placing them on her tray as she waited, chatting to him. With their drinks delivered, the three girls, took a sip, tapping their feet to the gregariously loud music that emanated from the speakers dotted round the room.   Soon having downed a couple of drinks, the three girls were dancing around the dance floor laughing and chatting over the music as the eyes of various men in the club followed their movements, a few trying to insert themselves between the trio but true to their word, the girls stuck together and brushed off any advances made. Falling into one of the seats giggling, Isabella's flushed face grinned as she stared at her friends, 'it is sooo hot in here' she complained. 'Do you need a fan m'lady?' came a sultry voice from behind her, turning her head, Isabella's gaze fell upon a handsome brown haired man wearing a black silk shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to reveal a dragon tattoo and chino trousers that showed off his muscular frame. Giggling, the alcohol starting to affect her, Isabella fluttered her eye lashes, 'I'm not sure you have what it takes to cool me down' she purred. 'Why don't you try me beautiful' the stranger replied, flashing her a heart stopping smile as she swallowed hastily under his gaze. Nodding uncertainly, Isabella moved up slightly as the stranger slid in next to her, signalling in the air as two further men appeared, sitting themselves next to Darcy and Courtney who smiled shyly. 'So shall we start with the names of the three prettiest girls in here tonight?' he asked, his eyes never leaving Isabella's. 'I think we should start with yours' replied Isabella carefully, 'you joined us' Nodding easily, the stranger sat back, resting his arm along the back of Isabella's seat, 'Well i'm Rowan, my friend here is Lowe' he added pointing to the man next to Darcy, 'and my other friend here is Alarick' he finished as the man next to Courtney waved his hand lazily before whispering in the young girls ear causing her to blush furiously. Isabella nodded, 'Well i'm Bella, my read headed friend is Corks and the black raven is Darce' she replied, purposefully shortening their names to help protect them but still be names they would reply too. 'Bella' Rowan replied, rolling her name off his tongue like it was a juicy strawberry, 'a beautiful name for a beautiful girl' he said smiling.  'So how are three such adorable ladies here all alone tonight' he inquired, his gaze travelling over Isabella's body causing her skin to erupt in goosebumps involuntarily. 'It's a girls night, a celebration for my birthday' Isabella replied before silently chiding herself for giving information about herself away to strangers. 'Your birthday?' Rowan replied surprised, 'well birthday girl, allow me to buy you and your friends a round of drinks' he grinned, waving the waitress over to their table. A red headed girl in her twenties hurried over, gazing round the table, a smile playing at her lips 'so what can I get you guys?' she asked loudly, her voice carrying over the music that still pumped out at full blast around them. 'Whisky for myself and my comrades' Rowan said smiling before looking at the girls. 'Vodka and diet coke please' Isabella replied guardedly, as Courtney and Darcy nodded their agreement, before watching the young girl as she walked over to the bar and placed their drinks order. Grabbing her attention, Rowan placed his hand on hers, drawing her eyes from the waitress, 'so Bella, birthday girl, how about you tell me something about yourself?' he asked, his gaze captivating her as her aquamarine eyes dropped from the intensity of his stare. 'There is not much to tell, I live nearby with my family, I attend school with my friends, my life is quite boring' she replied, remaining vague. Rowan smiled down at her, his stance relaxed, 'I feel you don't trust me Bella' he chided gently, 'but no matter, distrust of strangers is a good thing' he said leaning back. As the waitress returned with the drinks, Isabella felt a bit foolish about keeping her guard up, as Rowan handed her her drink she nursed it in her hands whilst her two friends knocked theirs back, giggling and flirting with Rowan's friends.  'I'm sorry, my dad is a bit protective, he doesn't like me giving . . ' she started before her face froze, her eyes watching in disbelief as Darcy and Courtney suddenly fell forward unconscious, the two men grabbing them as they fell and leaning them back against the seats. 'What the f**k have you done to them!' Isabella growled angrily, edging away from Rowan who was watching her carefully. 'Oh Bella, if you had just drank your drink like a good girl this would have been sooo much easier' Rowan replied, his eyes glinting.  Dropping the glass, Isabella threw her shoulder against Rowan, knocking him out of the booth before slipping out of the seat and jumping over him trying to run for the exit, her wrist was gripped by one of his friends as Rowan stood up shouting loudly over the music 'Baby! don't be like that, she didn't mean anything to me! it was just one kiss!' as the people around them stopped staring and returned to their drinks assuming it was a lovers tiff. Stepping up behind Isabella he murmured, 'Oh Miss Cross, i'm sorry about this but needs must' before a sharp pain flowed through her neck as a syringe broke through her flesh.   Turning toward him she growled angrily, 'you'll pay for this' before falling forward into his outstretched arms. Feeling him lift her bridal style whilst looking around them he called out to onlookers, 'seems my angel has had too much to drink' with a hearty laugh before carrying her through the crowds, her final view being a side door opening as Rowan slipped the doorman some notes and bundled her into the boot of an awaiting car before blackness over took her and she fell into a dreamless sleep.
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