Chapter 12

1720 Words

Zues’ P.O.V Light filtering in through the thin curtains brought out of my sleep and made me groan at the brightness. Yawning, I stretched my hands over my head and opened my eyes. Corson was lying next to me! Right next to me, his arm lazily draped over my lower torso, just where my happy trail sat. He looked naked…very naked. I glanced down, lifting the light silk sheet. I’m naked… Memories of yesterday flashed through my head, making my eyes widen. I lost control yesterday. Dammit. I seem to be getting worse at this control thing around Corson! I acted like a damn newborn half-breed! What the hell! I mentally slapped myself for my stupidity. But I did dominate him…sort of…. I chuckled to myself getting out of bed. I slid into some briefs. With one last glance at Corson, I left the

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