Chapter 4

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Sean's P.O.V I stood in the middle of my father’s study waiting for him to speak. I was told to come here as soon as I walked through the doors, now I am waiting for his wrath to come down on me and all hell to break loose. My palms were sweating, I was fidgeting and my eyes were darting all over the room; I was nervous and a bit scared. Last time his reaction wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but defying him twice in a row…that would be enough to piss anyone off. “I thought that after the last time I spoke to you, you wouldn’t have defied me again, Sean. I thought that I could trust you to just serve you punishment for the required time. Why did you leave this house at this time of night, when you’re grounded, to go and socialize with vampires?” He said calmly. He always used this calm tone when he’s furious. “Dad, I…Uhm…Well…” I stuttered, I don’t really know what to say that won't get me in deeper s**t than im already in now. I hung my head and sighed “I’m sorry, dad” “Sorry? You’re sorry, Sean?” he got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my face roughly and forced me to look up at him. I looked straight into his eyes and saw anger burning in his eyes. “For goodness sake Sean, you snuck out to go and ‘chill’ with vampires? f*****g vampires Sean!” he raised his voice “Those creatures could have killed you and your entire crew Sean! And we wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it because YOU were on THEIR land!” “Dad, I wasn-” “You were on their land! Why? Tell me why you would risk your life and other people’s lives like that? Sean, you have a family and an entire race to think of! You are the next Alpha wolf! Do you know what that means?! Do you even care?” he shouted. I stared at him slightly scared of what he was going to do to me. He sighed and let go of my face, after which he walked to one of the seats by the fire place. He always says that the fire calms him down when he is angry; lets hope it works. I didn’t move; I just stood in the same place not wanting to infuriate him further. “I do know what it means dad. And I do care about that; I care about our family and our race. I know that I defied you and I’m sorry. I really am; I know I should have thought about that before I left and I won't do that again. I promise.” I said softly. “Come and sit with me, Sean.” he instructed. At least he was calm now. “Apology accepted but tell me why you keep getting caught with those creatures? It can compromise your position and image to our people.” I walked over to the big leather seat that sat near the fireplace which was the same one that was in this house since it was built. It was a really beautiful room with antique furniture and amazing art. All our family history was in this room. It held memories and dreams of every single Corson and Alpha wolf. “Dad, they always do it to us and if we let it go they will think that we are afraid of them. Especially that Zeus Brinley; he is so cocky and he just gets on my nerves. He thinks that he is the gods gift to the world. Its not that I actually want to chill with them, they are stupid creatures who need to know their place in our lives.” I said frowning. My dad laughed at me “Wow, that is so immature. You do it to him too, Sean" He chuckled again before sighing. "…Every time you step foot on that land you are risking your life and for a childish game.” “Anyway, Vestec wants to see us tomorrow at 9am. She said it’s a matter of high importance and must be dealt with immediately. Now get to bed so that you can be fully awake when we go there." he went silent for a while. "I’m extending your grounding to 1 month. And next time you dare defy me I will put you in the cage when you are fully transformed. Understand?” I gulped, and my eyes widened slightly at the thought of being put in the cage. I nodded, stood up and left. I went to my room mentally cursing that stupid vampire. I hate Zeus Kevin Brinley with all my being. He is the epitome of filth. Technically, I as the next alpha werewolf shouldn’t fear anything – especially being put in a cage right? Wrong. The cage is a little cell which has only a tiny window and is made up of three thick grey walls. When a werewolf is fully transformed we are very big so being put in the cage is not only very uncomfortable but also very scary because we are claustrophobic creatures. It’s very hard to breathe and in our full transformed state it’s just really uncomfortable. Especially for me, I hate being in tiny enclosed spaces more than anything and yet I hold the record for the longest time spent in the cage without a complete breakdown – 14 hours. Yeah to you that’s nothing but try being oversized in an undersized room. The only way to kill us is a large dose of vampire venom or pulling off our heads. We can also die of massive blood loss. Its quite difficult to kill us since we are so big but vampires manage to do it. I don’t know how. There is much more to werewolves than what meets the eye and what you can read or be told by anyone, well except Vestec; she knows everything. We have powers just like the vampires do. Each werewolf has their own unique power and it’s perfection or usefulness depends on how much you practice. I lay down on my bed and started thinking about all the things that happened tonight. When Brinley blew me a kiss, I was so confused as to why he would do such a thing, then it hit me – he was mocking me that’s why I was the one to throw the first punch, I was so angry. Then when I tried to punch him, not only did he catch my hand but I felt these electric shocks running through my hand. It must have been from the impact of my punch, but that has never happened before but then again that could be because I have never touched him at all even though we have been in several…disputes, we have never touched each other, it never occurred to me until this moment. Maybe conduction of electricity is his special power. One thing is for sure I will never touch him again unless it’s an absolute must in fact I never want to see him again, I always get into s**t because of him. That stupid, useless piece of s**t. ************************************************** By ten to nine we were pulling up to Vestec's mansion in the limo. My father and I engaged in a gentle conversation as the limo came to a halt. "We have arrived, your highnesses." Lenny the driver stated. "It looks like those leeches are here too." he snarled. My father chuckled at Lenny's remark. I looked out of the window and lenny was right they were here, the king of the vamps and his prince. They had pulled up in their shiny, white hummer limo and the music was pumping as their car came to a halt. The engine turned off and their chauffer ran around the car and opened the door. The king was the first one to come out in expensive croc skin shoes, a crisp, navy pin-stripe suit and hair perfectly styled in a push-back manner. Just the aura around that man screamed power and elegance. His green eyes scanned the area and came to rest on our limo; I can swear he just scowled at our limo, geez… uptight much? I saw the chauffer run over to the other side of the limo and open the door for the other one, yes I am talking about that good-for-nothing i***t, Zeus Brinley. He walked over to where his father was standing fixing his tight grey v-neck that clung to his torso. He has a black leather jacket over that with some semi-loose dark jeans, some special addition Air-force and a pair of aviators. He had his long hair pulled back into a pony tail with only a single thick strand falling onto his face. He looked good, really good… what? I have never denied that he is good looking; I just think I’m better looking. That’s all. “Let’s go” my father said, snapping me out of my trance-like state. He stepped out of the limo, I shook my shoulders and stepped out of the limo into the blazing sun. Let’s do this thing. ZEUS’ POV I got out of our very sexy limo, looking very sexy if I do say so myself. The sun shone down on us practically burning my face, like I said, its very hot for us vampires but I can survive this sun. The chauffer closed the door behind me as I walked over to my father who was glaring at another limo which was parked a few feet away from ours. That’s Corson’s limo, I would know it anywhere… it’s a black version of ours. I always thought that they copied the idea from us but I know they would never admit it. I saw the Alpha or “king” wolf get out, he had on a very elegant black suit, with a white shirt and gold tie, his shoes were one of the in season Armani’s I saw in a catalogue. I can tell why he is Alpha, he has this…. I don’t know….commanding look to him but yet he looks almost sympathetic. He stood in front of his limo, staring….actually glaring at us. Geez what’s got his boxers in a twist? As he and my dad had a glaring contest, the other Corson got out of the limo. Look at him. He thinks he’s so hot in those dark denim ¾ shorts with a black belt with diamond-like studs, a tight white v-neck that revealed the lining of all his muscles, an open black zip-up jumper, high-top converse and a diamond stud in one ear hole. His thick, wavy hair was style in the usual neat-messy look that most guys with hair that length have and I can swear he is even wearing lip gloss. Wow, feel yourself much? I guess he is good looking, but he is definitely no match for me, I mean come on, just because he looks so good now doesn’t mean I don’t look better. Hmph! What are they doing here anyway? We have and appointment with Vestec now and their daunting presence is not required at this moment. I mean he already crashed my get-together yesterday and almost got me killed by my dad, now what; his dad is getting in on it too? Wow, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Corson went to stand by the Alpha and glared at me. I rolled my eyes at that. What? Is he mad because he got into trouble because HE crashed MY get-together on OUR LAND and now his daddy is mad? GOOD! Serves him right, the stupid creep. I really don’t know why I don’t like him. I just really don’t. I just hate him so much…so freaking much. “What are you doing here King?” the Alpha asked my father. “My son and I have an appointment and as you know, Vestec does not like unexpected or early visitors.” “My son and I have a nine o’clock appointment with Vestec, Alpha, and therefore I assume you are the early ones. Or maybe the late ones… I wouldn’t be surprised either way” My father replied. It was surprising that even with the bad blood they share, they still treat each other with the utmost respect; almost as if they were each other’s subjects. They act so maturely in comparison with the way Corson and I treat each other. But on the other hand Corson does not have the respect from me the way his dad does from mine. I think his existence is utterly unnecessary, in fact I think that he is a disgrace to living organisms. Unlike his father who by presence alone has gained my respect. Before the Alpha could reply Vestec stepped out of her layer or whatever they call this place. It looks like a cave yet a mansion. Her long grey hair glistened in the sun as she stood with her hands on her hips looking down on the scene that was about to unfold with weary eyes. She tapped her stiletto-ed foot on the ground and crossed her arms over her chest. There was something scary about this woman. Her aura alone possessed such power and authority that it was hard to not fear her a little but her eyes, although hard and icy, held a sort of warmth only held by a woman who has loved… “You are 2 minutes late and I come out here to find you having a glaring contest with each other outside my sacred haven?! Please do not waste anymore time, what we have to discuss is urgent and cannot wait any longer than necessary” she said icily. “My apologies, Vestec, but it seems that we both have the nine o’clock appointment. My son and I will wait if need be.” The Alpha said bowing his head in respect for the powerful women that stood before us. “I am no fool. I know very well that you both have the nine o’clock appointment because I wish to see you together. This news has to do with all of you and your kingdoms as a whole.” She replied. What reason could she possibly have for wanting to see us together? We are sworn enemies and although we are not physically at war right now, everyone knows that vampires and werewolves cannot be in the same room for long. And what does this have to do with our kingdoms? Is there a new threat to our kind? Oh I hope it’s not those pathetic humans again, they just don’t get that we are stronger, faster, more intelligent and simply better looking. They don’t stand a chance against our charms and outstanding abilities. But it can’t be them, if Vestec called us here at the same time it has to be something very important that doesn’t really include any other ‘mystical creatures’ like demons, pixies or neko. But what is it? We entered the brightly lit room. The curtains were drawn adding that extra sunlight. The already small room looked even smaller as we all stood there. Our tall, built bodies took up a lot of space in the tiny room. There was a round table at which 5 chairs were positioned. The long table cloth draped over the table held cards, a crystal ball and other instruments which I did not recognize but which I’m sure were involved in the ritual which summoned the gods. “Sit” she commanded softly. She sat first with our fathers sitting on either side of her, which left me sitting next to Corson. I scowled slightly and he let out a low growl. Oooh exciting…kitty can growl…. NOT. Oh please get over yourself. “That’s enough princes; Enough scowling and growling and hateful thoughts. Sit down and lets get to it” she commanded with narrowed eyes. We sat down immediately and looked down. “Now you all know that the Gods choose your mates before you are born and it’s not until you meet and touch this person that you know that this person is your mate.” We all nodded so she continued “You are all here because you need to know who you mates are right now. It has become apparent to the Gods that if you, princes, are not told then you will never know.” Corson and I both looked up with our eyes gleaming. It is the greatest honor to find your mate in both our races. The thought that I may know who my mate is right now was both exhilarating and nerve wrecking. I hope that she will approve of me if she is from one of the important kingdoms abroad. “But Vestec, your greatness… Why would we need to be here to hear who each other’s mates are?” Corson asked…. I rolled my eyes although I knew he was right. It’s not like we are the best of friends…in fact we are the exact opposite so why? “Patience, Prince of Wolves, there is no need to rush this news. I have to tell you this will be a great surprise and challenge for the both of you and unfortunately you will have to work together and pull your powers to save your worlds.” She paused as if in deep thought. “Join hands please” She put out her hands and took our fathers hands in hers then our fathers took ours. Neither Corson nor I made an attempt to join hands. “Join hands now, young princes!” Vestec shouted. We quickly clasped our hands together tightly in response to her outburst. I felt the electric shocks running through my hands and through my entire body. His hands twitched in mine as the electric shocks continued to run through me. Soon the strong shocks subsided into minor shocks that went through my entire body. He has got to be feeling this now. I glanced over at him and saw him looking at me. “Close your eyes and clear your minds. Let the Gods be able to enter your mind and bodies.” She said softly. I cleared mind of everything even the shocks still running through me. Vestec started chanting weird words and her voice kept getting even louder. Suddenly I felt a powerful force, as if the gods were among us. “Vestec’s body, messenger of the Gods, I salute you. Do you know me?” A voice asked. I kept my eyes shut as I have been told before that you may not open your eyes while in the presence of the Gods. “You are greater than any knowledge that any being can possess, how can I know you?” Vestec answered. “Rulers of Wolves and Vampires bodies, I salute you. Do you know me?” the voice asked us. “We are but mere servants of your world. How can we know you?” We answered in unison. “Very well, my people, we have summoned you all here today for a great announcement. This is not to be taken lightly for it is no joke. If you do not accept this then your kingdoms will be destroyed by each other and all other beings that serve us. Do you understand?” “Yes, your greatness” “There is a threat against your kingdoms and monarchies. You must unite to control and save your people. I know that you are not fond of each other but now would be the perfect time to start because you are about to become family.” “Your greatness,” my father interjected “what do you mean? Are we not here to find out who our sons mates are?” “Yes, King of Vampires, you are.” “Sean’s body and Zeus’ body, do you hear me?” “Yes, your greatness, we hear you” we replied “I know that you are enemies and that is a shame because this will make this all the more difficult. Right now you are feeling minor electric shocks running through you bodies, am I right?” “Y-yes, your greatness” we replied. Ah so he did feel it too. “At first they were strong and yesterday evening when you touched each other for the first time you felt even stronger ones than the ones you felt when your hands first touched today. I am just going to say this as there is no easy way to say it…. Sean’s body, Zeus’ body, you have met your mates. You have known them for a long time and the feelings you feel towards your mate are stronger than you comprehend and you don’t know why” I tried to think about any girl or guy that I really like. I mean I had never really taken interest in guys but I wasn’t totally against it. But I really can’t think of a person who I really had strong feelings for…. “Stop staining your brains, young princes, I will tell you who your mates are…. Your mates are…each other. Sean is Zeus’ mate and Zeus’ is Sean’s mate. This is not a request, this is a fact. You have such strong hate for each other and you don’t even understand why. You think it’s because of the bad blood between your races but it’s more than that. There is a thin like between Hate and Love. So, young princes, get used to each other because your families and kingdoms will soon become one. And remember if you deny you fate, your kingdoms and your races will be destroyed, killed, extinguished and forgotten. My people’s bodies, I salute you.” Then it was gone, I could no longer feel it among us. Way to put the potential annihilation of our people. He said it like it wasn’t even in a big deal. I mean I don’t mind working with the wolves to save our kind and our existence as whole and getting married is no big deal. Wait did he just say that I’m Corson’s mate… oh crap he did! My eyes snapped open as I took in everything that the voice said. “WHAT!!!” Corson and I shouted at the same time. We looked at each other then at Vestec then at our fathers. They looked just as stunned as we did. In fact the Alpha looked very pale and my dad looked even paler than usual if that’s even possible.
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