Chapter 17 - Part 2

2903 Words

Sean’s P.O.V “AHHHHHHAAHAHHHHHHHH!!!!! FUUUUUUUUHHHHUHHHUUHHK” I screamed, eyes burning. My body arched off the mattress, my head thrown back and my mouth hanging on by its hinges as I convulsed in pain. The venom flowed through my veins burning and scorching them as it flowed around my body heatedly. My wolf was rolling around in pain inside me, howling and growling as the pain intensified. This had been going on for the past hour and a half…ten minutes after… “Gahh!!!” I screamed, balling my hands into fists making my new nails dig into my palms. I screamed out again, twisting my body to the side as my hormones fought the venom with all their might. Zeus was sitting next to me, dabbing my forehead with a wet cloth occasionally, worrying his lower lip as he watched my transformation.

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