Chapter 8

1263 Words
“Alpha Eric!” Rianna screamed with concern when Alpha Eric was about to slap me. I didn't flinch but I only gave him my angry stare. He was panting before Rianna rushed towards him and pulled him away from me. “Slap me! f*****g slap me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was mad at him that I wanted to punch his nose. My eyes were bloodshot as I stepped forward to him. Alpha Eric stepped back instantly and I noticed a strange emotion in his eyes. He seemed he gone back to his sanity. “Y-You...” He couldn't finish what he was going to tell me. His body convulsed aggressively. Rianna hugged him from his back and acted like she was stopping him. “Alpha Eric, don't get mad at Luna Savannah. She's only mad because she's jealous you're kind to me,” she whispered. “Huh?” I scoffed before I arched my brow at her. Jealous? I didn't feel envious of her because she was f*****g him. Resentment and hatred were the two feelings in my heart. “Rianna, you're too full of yourself. What makes you think I'm jealous of you? Are you referring to yourself?” “Shut the f**k up, Savannah. You don't have the right to talk to her like that!” Alpha Eric roared. He held Rianna's hand and then pulled her head onto his chest. “You're the Luna I chose to act like my obedient wife. You must be supposed to obey whatever I want. I helped you, cleaned you, and gave you a home. You have these clothes because of me. Don't you f*****g forget my effort to adopt you!” “Alpha Eric, don't say those words to me. Luna Savannah is still your Luna.” Rianna was trying to calm him down which made me laugh so hard. I coughed like I was about to vomit because of what he had said to me. Alpha Eric never treated me like his wife but as his competitor. I was stupid not to see his true intention from the very start, he helped me because he wanted to make a clean name. A name that would benefit him. A rogue was known to be packless but he didn't think twice to take me in his pack. He was known as the compassionate Alpha which was the exact opposite of his true attitude. “What are you saying, honey? I'm the one who's always clean your f*****g name. Yeah, you cleaned me but I'm the way to make you have this position. Without me, you will be nothing like what your father always told you---” _*SLAP* ____ I was flabbergasted when I felt his palm on my cheek. His breathing became heavy and I saw how Rianna pursed her lips to prevent her from smiling at me. She enjoyed watching the drama between me and Alpha Eric. “You ungrateful b***h. Do you think it's because of you that I'd become an Alpha of this pack? Do you even know how our pack members humiliated me for marrying you.” he yelled at me then pulled my hair. I groaned in pain but I tried to push him away from me. “Alpha Eric, don't hurt her. You can talk to her to fix everything.” Rianna was about to hold him when Alpha Eric carried me like I was a sack of rice. I screamed and continued punching his back but he never dodged at my attack. “Alpha Eric! Please, don't do this!” Rianna shouted but I noticed how she grinned at me. She even crossed her arms on my chest when she saw me looking at her. f**k her. f*****g f**k her. I wanted to slap her face, or even punch it like she couldn't open her eyes. “Argh! Don't touch me!” I gritted my teeth when she threw me on the bed. My body bounced but he pulled my feet so he could be on my top. I restrained when he ripped my clothes, making my breast to be exposed from his sight. “f**k you, asshole. Ahh--” “You supposed to be a submissive wife and now you're acting like you're the one who's powerful here. Savannah, you're making me horny. If you will conceive my pup I can get rid of Rianna for you. Just one pup.“ “Asshole! I will rather die than be f****d by you!” “b***h, do you forget how you moan my name endlessly? Do you want me to make you remember how you begged me to f**k you more? Savannah, you're a hypocrite b***h who always wants to get f****d by me.” He gripped my hands before he pinned them onto the top of my head. I whimpered when his lips touched my neck, licking my sensitive spot and then leaving red marks on my skin. I was disgusted that I couldn't stop myself from vomiting at him. He was stunned. He scowled at me when he saw how my puke left on his shirt. He gnashed his teeth while his eyes turned bloodshot in fury because of me. “See? I don't want you anymore. When I'm thinking you will kiss me, or f**k me, it is sickening. You make me puke at you. Alpha Eric, you can't even arouse me by your touch!” I barked a laugh, he panted like he was calming himself from hurting me again. I tilted my head the pointed my cheek using my finger. “Hurt me, I'm not scared of you. What makes you have the audacity to think you can control me? Your father is right, you're an asshole, a worthless child that he wished he dripped his freaking semen in the clothes.” “f**k you, damn it!” He pulled my hair and then slapped my face multiple times. He was mad, and instead of crying because of the pain he had been doing to me, I cried because I successfully provoked him. I wanted him to lose his sanity. He was the reason why I became like a heartless b***h. He created a monster inside my chest. I chuckled at that thought, preventing him from slapping me. “You're crazy. What's happening to you?” He gasped when I angrily looked at him. My cheeks were numb, it was painful especially when I cursed the corner of my lips. I wanted him to see I wasn't in misery. I won't give him the satisfaction. The traumatic event I had experienced while I was in prison with him lingered in my mind. I wanted to kill him. It was better if he would experience how it felt to be f****d several times while I was famished. He was the reason why I lost my child. He pulled his hair and he uttered profanities before he was about to touch me but I kicked him onto his stomach. He growled and tried to pull my feet but I took the vase and then shoved it onto the ground. My hands were shaking when I took the big part of the vase and then pointed it at him. “Savannah, don't you dare!” Worry was more evident in his voice but my mind was blank. All I wanted to do was to hurt him, kill him like what he did to me in the past. “Leave! Or else, I will cut my neck today!”
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