Chapter 3-2

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The music blared. RJ hated this place. The bass thumped so the walls vibrated, and RJ could barely hear. Unknown to RJ, for some reason, Chaz decided to take them to a straight club. The girls were underage and danced like zombies, the mirrors behind them highlighting the fact that the girls didn’t want to be there. Red and pink lighting added to the garish effect as some eighties-sounding, tranced-up music played. RJ knew Chaz didn’t come here for his benefit. Since Chaz basically outed him in front of Pad, he wondered why all three of them were even here. “This place blows, Chaz, and the drinks are watered down!” yelled RJ. Chaz shrugged. “Where did you want to go?” he shouted back. “Not here. Let’s go somewhere else.” Chaz turned to Pad and asked, “Where do you want to go?” “What?” Pad leaned over. “What did you say?” Chaz got up, pushed the bar stool in and motioned them outside. The mama-san came out and tried to say something, but the blond Viking waved her away. As all three stepped out, RJ screamed. “Seriously, Chaz. That place sucked. Why did you take us there?” “All right, pipe down. Are you drunk? Is that why you’re shouting?” Chaz threw an arm over RJ and hauled him closer. “I took you there because that bar is famous—or rather, infamous. You can’t come to Bangkok without checking the place out.” “So where do you boys want to go?” Pad chimed in. “Where would you go Chaz, if we weren’t around?” RJ shot Pad a look. Doesn’t he know where Chaz wants to go? “I know just where to go.” Chaz cleared his throat. “You guys are in for a real treat.” They walked without talking, sidestepping wet puddles, street vendors selling fish and meat on a stick. RJ saw a 7-11 and thought about buying some gum, but Chaz’s stride kept him from asking. Chaz stopped in front of a club with red and purple blinking signs and walked straight to the entrance. Two girls greeted Chaz, waved him through, but stopped Pad and RJ. The taller female confronted RJ. “Hey, G.I. you sure you want to come here?” RJ took a closer look at the women and realized that they were both transsexual. “Yeah, sure why not?” He pointed to Chaz, who stood near the entrance. “I’m with the big guy there. We both are.” “Okay, Joe,” she said, almost in singsongy fashion. “We let you in, but behave.” She wagged her finger as she continued. “No touchy unless you get permission. You G.I. boys get all nervous.” RJ nodded and walked in, looking over his shoulder to see if Pad followed. As soon as they all entered, both Pad and RJ were greeted by ladyboys who immediately fussed over both of them. Chaz took a stool, unfazed. The ladyboys did not bother him. RJ didn’t understand why Chaz chose this club until he saw Ann approach Chaz and sit on Chaz’s lap. Ann was dressed in the same gown as earlier but wore a wig to make her hair appear longer. After RJ sat next to Chaz, Ann stood up and kissed Chaz before heading off behind the curtain. Chaz raised his hand to get the bartender’s attention. As he did so, he leaned over to RJ. “This is where I met Ann.” “Oh,” RJ said. “So is she a—?” “Don’t insult her or me, RJ.” “Okay, okay.” RJ put his hands up. “I was just asking.” “I got to take a leak,” RJ shouted. “Is that where the latrine is?” Chaz nodded. “All right, you girls play nice while I’m gone.” * * * * After RJ left for the bathroom, Chaz slid over to the next bar stool, closest to Pad. “So, you a pilot too?” “No, I’m—sorry—was his admin guy.” “Seriously?” Chaz laughed. “So, you guys dating?” Pad’s face felt hot. “No.” “Don’t take offense. My dad was career Army so I know officers and enlisted dating are a big no-no, just like men dating men is an even a bigger no-no.” He slapped his hand on the bar and laughed. “But I never would have thought that RJ would date an enlisted man and bring him to Thailand.” “RJ and I aren’t dating.” “Well, I see how you look at him. And if RJ didn’t like you, he wouldn’t be jeopardizing his flying career hanging out with you.” That’s funny. He sure hasn’t acted any different toward me. Chaz mumbled, “Here he comes.” Pad saw RJ, who was being accosted by several ladyboys. Chaz faced Pad again and continued. “They sure like him, huh?” Chaz leaned over to talk. “If I were you, and you liked him, you need to tell him. But a word of advice, RJ’s not a settling down kind of guy. Serious relationships are not in his repertoire.” Pad nodded. Yeah, but how do I tell my former boss that I like him?
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