Twenty Three

1183 Words

Olivia POV I was released the next morning, but we would have to stay in the pack and I can't travel for at least another week. This afternoon was the welcoming of the females into their packs. Myself included. We were all packed back into the conference room. Alpha Randall crossed the stage we all went silent. "Thank you for coming once again. I will start us off by calling up the names of the females I will be welcoming into my pack. Will Danica, Ina, Kallie, Giselle and Jordyn Please step up to the stage." I saw as 5 ladies stepped up to the stage. Alpha Randall went through with the initiation of the girls into his pack. The last girl Jordyn was greeted by her Mate one of Alpha Randalls Warriors. "Alpha Denis, Luna Danella will you please step forward and welcome your new members."

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