
The Beta's Broken Mate

female lead

Cassie has always done her best for her stepmother and horrible half sisters. Even with a son no older than two years old she cooks, cleans and tends to their every need, always at their mercy since her father died just before her son Liam was born.

For her son's sake she keeps her mouth shut and endures their endless taunts and abuse, fearful of being thrown out with nowhere else to go. She's only 21 but already she feels older. Her stepmother treats her like a servant and so do her half sister's which stings even more.

One night she finishes a dress so beautiful she can't help but put it on and go for a walk in the forest around their humble cottage where she meets up with a wolf who will change and transform her life forever, that is if she'll let him.

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She held his hand, tears flowing down her cheeks as her father stared up at her, one hand gently cupping her cheek. His blue eyes twinkled in spite of all of his coughing, his fingers gently trailing down her face and resting on the bump that was clearly visible. His eyes filled with regret and Cassie understood. She was close to giving birth, days away in fact and still her father would not be there to witness it or hold his grandchild at least once. The cancer had spread too far through his body and he'd pushed himself to live as long as possible but Cassie could see the fight was well and truly over. "I'm sorry" her father wheezed, Cassie trying to sit him up as he just waved away her help. "I should have been a better father to you" he added in a whisper and her heart squeezed. It was too late for regrets. Too late for what ifs. It's not like he could have foreseen the future when he made his choices so long ago after all. She would not blame him now when he was so close to death's door. "You were a great father" she whispered to him, ignoring the small back pains and assuming they were Braxton hicks, more concerned right now about the person whose hand she clutched again, tears welling in the corner of her eyes. Her father laughed, bitterly, almost choking at her obvious lies as she regarded him in concern. "Lies" he coughed "and I hate to leave you and my grandchild in this house when I'm gone. The will" he choked, coughing copiously now and unable to get his breath as Cassie sat him up, hoping he could get some air into his lungs. Her poor father however seemed determined to tell her something, trying to force the words out to no avail. "The will" he wheezed before his hand went slack and his mouth opened, eyes staring blankly at the walls as she began to sob, one hand pressed against her mouth as she closed his eyes with a trembling hand and laid him back down, sitting on the chair she'd placed beside him and rocking back and forth in her grief. What would she do now? Would her stepmother Isabelle even grieve for the man she had grown to despise or her half sister twins Lorraine and Stephanie who had the same attitude as their mother? She wanted to scream, to vent and throw things out the window, anything to alleviate the pain in her heart but it would do no good. She sighed "Father I love you" she told him quietly "despite it all, despite everything I loved you and I always will." She glanced out the window, seeing the warm sunshine and cool breeze rustling the trees. Mother nature did not know the extent of her pain, the world would continue to revolve like it always had. She would need to do the same, especially if she wished to survive. She placed a hand tenderly on her stomach. "It's alright little one" she sniffled "whatever happens, whatever I have to do to take care of you I will. " She paused for a moment "mamma is going to do everything for you and love you forever no matter what" she whispered to her child secretly, fully believing he or she could hear her. She continued to sob as she stood up awkwardly she was that big now and tucked her father in for the last time, feeling she should let her stepmother Isabelle know and hopefully arrange a service that he deserved. She felt her stomach beginning to cramp, clutching at the door and breathing heavily in an attempt to wait for it to pass, the pain a lot higher than when she'd had them before. When it passed she was grateful, her legs threatening to buckle if it happened again and she knew she needed to be quick. It would not be safe for her to go downstairs during the midst of one of these contractions. But this time when she straightened her back she felt the niggling pains begin to get more painful and cried out, almost falling to the floor. A sudden feeling of something bursting and she felt water trailing down her legs and creating a puddle on the wooden floors. "It's too soon" Cassie muttered panicked "I'm not due for a few more days at least, even two weeks perhaps." She groaned, trying her best to cry out loud enough for anyone to hear. As usual there was no response and she was forced to start screaming, in desperate need for help before she gave birth right there on the floor. "Help" she screamed "Please, the baby is coming." She heard running footsteps and then the gardener Thomas and his wife Lauretta came rushing into the room, stopping in their tracks as they saw her father now deceased and poor Cassie clutching the door frame in desperation, Lauretta instantly knowing what the puddle on the floor was and springing quickly into action. "Thomas fetch me some towels and hot water" she said "but first let's get her into the bedroom next door and comfortably in a bed." "The midwife" Cassie panted, using both of them to support her weight as they got her into bed next door and Thomas went rushing for everything his wife had instructed him to get. "Will be sent for" Lauretta murmured as she checked Cassie over. Cassie began to gasp and shriek loudly, Lauretta letting her squeeze her hand in sympathy. "I need to push" Cassie screamed "I can't hold it back." "Push as hard as you can" Lauretta shouted and watched her take a deep breath and then bear down during the contraction, the baby's head beginning to crown. "Another one" Lauretta shouted, her husband coming into the room with his arms loaded and his face beginning to turn green. "I can't" Cassie cried out "it hurts too much, god I can't." Lauretta gave her a firm look and Thomas took Cassie's hand as his wife moved further down the bed. "You have to" she said "the baby's crowning and it's time Cassie. I'm sorry but this baby is coming whether you like it or not my dear." Cassie gritted her teeth and began to push again, sweat dripping heavily off of her and onto the sheets, pushing as hard as she possibly could, screaming wildly the entire time. Finally she felt something slither out of her and panted relieved, seeing Lauretta wrap her baby in a towel and come over to her, a massive smile on her face. Cassie took the bundle and gazed down at her child's beautiful face, her heart clenching as its finger gripped hers. "Congratulations Cassie" Lauretta told her fairly beaming "you have a son."

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