Chapter 3

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Playlist - Adore by Ariana Grande & Cashmere Cat Luna "Hey wait up." A voice called me out from somewhere. We had just finished our rehearsals and I was sweating profusely. I looked around me to find a very timid Charlotte looking at me, a weird grin spread on her face and her hand waving. My eyebrows furrowed. She had her ballerina outfit on, we normally don't practice in it and for a second I wondered why was she wearing it, but after knowing her from a few encounters all I knew she was peculiar and unpredictable. I sauntered in her direction, wiping some of the sweat off my forehead. "Oh, hi." She just bit her lip. She just stared expecting me do something. "I-" I thought about a few simple things to say to her, but nothing came to my mind. "Okay...... bye?" Her eyes widened. "Why?" she cried out. "I think you have better things to do then be with me?" She just narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you asking or telling?" She folded her hands. "Telling?" She arched an eyebrow in accusation. I cleared my throat and then said,"telling." God, being around her was fiddly. "So, will you come with me? She asked. "Where?" "To meet my brother." I felt need to laugh at her words. What would be established by meeting her brother. "Gee, I-" I let out a chuckle. "Why should I meet your brother?" She tilted her head. "I can only be your friend if you meet my brother." I was about to say something, when she clasped her hands, pleading. "Please, my brother is very protective of me and he has to know who I associate with." I felt the urge of sympathy towards her and caved in her request. "Okay, okay, I'll go." Her face beamed brightly. "But," I continued. "I have to take a shower first, then we'll go." A few hours later, while dressing up, I couldn't help, but think about Ares Torrance. He terrified my thoughts, my subconscious steered clear of him, but an ache awoke beneath me that shivered at the memory of him. In the midst of my thoughts, a pounding echoed, startling me. Oh, my God. I raced down, one flight after the other, a drop of sweat gliding down my neck. The pounding was getting closer. Someone was pounding on my front door. I neared towards the door, I quickly spared a glance through the keyhole, it was blocked by a finger. Who could it be? "Who-who is it?" I shakily murmured. "Oh, it's me." An unusually chirpy voice answered. "Charlotte." Charlotte? I angrily opened the front door, ready to burst out on her. "Couldn't you just ring the doorbell." I was met by a smile which dissolved into an 'o.' "I did not see-" she whispered. "Sorry." "Don't do it again." She nodded. "I was just here to see if you're ready to go." "I am. Just let me grab my bag." **** "Hello." We approached the front desk of York, a fencing club seeing the attendant's head pop up. "Hey Fin, is he here?" His eyebrows pinched in confusion when he noticed me standing there. He looked at Charlotte motioned his head towards me. "She's my friend." Charlotte wrapped her arms around me and I shifted uncomfortably. York centre was reputed to have one of the most active fencing clubs in the state with private lessons and a large area for group workouts. The facility was a little more intense. Massive area rugs adorned the hardwood floors, while dark wood made up the stairs and all of the furniture. The upholstery was kept to dark tones like forest green, black, and midnight blue, and the place was old, dark, and very male. I'd also noticed the fancy marble dome ceiling. It screamed money. "Charlotte," a deep voice called, and I twisted my head, seeing Ares walk across the foyer from the front doors. WHAT?! Charlotte raised her arms inviting him for a hug. They hugged affectionately and sudden pang of jealousy hit me. She freed herself from him, smiling. "Luna, this is my brother, Ares." My chest was pounding rapidly and my ice went cold. Out of all the boys in this town, she had to be his sister? My luck. He approached me, wearing loose jeans and a navy blue T-Shirt, his clothes always accentuating his chest, arms, and height. A gym bag hung off his shoulder with a black sweater draped over it. "Is this your friend?" he asked Charlotte without taking his eyes off me. "Yeah, she's my best friend." Her eyes twinkled with pride. Ares' eyes were fixated on me, showering me with intensity. He offered me to shake his hand and I reluctantly shook it. His thumb caressed my wrist, eyes feeling me up. His gaze held something sinister. I immediate flustered under is gaze, I didn't know what to do in that moment. "We go to the same school," I blurted out and regretted it. He probably didn't even realize that we fell into the pool together. Looking more closely at him, I noticed he had a chiseled jaw, with mocha brown hair, his perfectly sculptured lips had a faint shade of red, his sss green eyes had yellow in it, Oh, my, God. He made a perfect supermodel. "I did not realize it, I'll look out for you in school." I finally got my hand out of his hold. His eyes fierce, were penetrating. Charlotte was rambling something to him and all I could feel was his gaze on me. "You know she's a ballet dancer like me." The corner of Ares' mouth quirked in a grin, and he nodded at her. "It'll be interesting to watch you both in the finale." "I fence too." His mouth amused at my words. "What makes you think this is a fence club?" I looked at Charlotte to back me, but she just stared at me as if I cracked some joke. I tightened My hold around my bag and cleared my throat. "It's listed as one." He shook his head at my words. "No, it isn't." Charlotte was the one to reply. "It's an exclusive men's club." York was pristine, elegant, and old, like a museum where you were told to be quiet and it not give the impression of an exclusive men's club. I shook my head, befuddled. "I'm lost. What do you mean?" He let out a sigh, tipping his chin down and looking at me like his patience was wearing thin. "It's a club only for men." He explained. "A place where guys go to work out, swim, steam, drink, and bullshit away from all the people that bug the s**t out of them." "Women are not allowed in here?" I asked. "Yes." He confirmed. "Then how are we allowed?" I indicated me and Charlotte. Ares stepped up to me. "You're not, but she is." His green eyes leveled with mine. "Cause my sister and my family owns this club." Oh..... That explains why the clerk welcomed Charlotte and looked funny at me. He turned to Charlotte, completely ignoring my presence. "It was lovely to meet your friend. I hope you keep your friendship at bay and not mess it up," he said flaty and for reason his tone aggravated me. His gaze returned to me. "I'll love to see more of you soon," he said dismissively. He veered around us to the wooden double doors, and I took a step, ready to leave. Charlotte was already out of the door and I was pulled back by Ares. His grip firm on my elbow and his face close to mine. His close proximity affected me deeply. "I'll see you around..... in school." The last part was added to the sentence. ***
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