
1995 Words
Falcon POV It was not easy for me to leave her. I knew well that this was the price to pay to come here, but it drove me crazy that I couldn't stay by her side and ensure her safety. This world, from my observation, was vastly different from mine. I couldn't simply follow her outside of the forest in my wolf form. During the day, I couldn't always protect her from the man she dated. I wanted more than anything to end him once and for all when I was in her home, but I stopped myself. Taking that action would have caused her issues and frightened her. It was no easy task to let him run off, and it was equally difficult to refrain from using our bond to heal her. I hated seeing her bruised, despised the fresh marks he left on her body. I worried this wouldn't be the last time he tried to harm her. "She senses the bond, I'm sure of it," Ash spoke within me. "I know, but I also have a feeling it will still take time to earn her love," I admitted to him as I found a safe place in the forest to get some sleep. The scent of pine filled the air, and the soft rustling of leaves provided a gentle lullaby. Ash remained alert even in his sleep. I would only get a few hours of rest, enough to function, before I moved closer to Katya's building. ________ The crunching of dried leaves and the earthy scent of multiple humans woke me. "Are you sure this is where you spotted the wolf?" one of them questioned. "Yes, there have been multiple sightings," another replied. "We must act fast it has been coming too close to residential areas. We've been granted permission to kill it for the safety of the nearby residents," added a third voice. Their unfamiliar weapons raised concerns within me. I decided to lead them away by running deep into the forest, and then lose them, hopeful that would stop them from looking here again for me. As I dashed away, a loud bang echoed through the air, causing my ears to ring, followed by a searing pain in my side. Ash growled, warning me that the strange weapon had injured us. Though the pain hindered my movements, I pushed through, determined to evade the humans. Seeking refuge among the trees and rocks, I watched as they scoured the area for some time. "There's blood. We hit it. But I doubt it will survive with this much blood loss," one of them remarked. "Even with the blood trail, I can't track its exact location. It's faster than a regular wolf. Let's leave for now but keep an eye on the forest," another suggested. Slowly, they departed. Ash whimpered from the pain, the foreign object lodged in my side preventing me from healing. I needed to remove it, but without the ability to shift, I was in a bad situation. Losing blood rapidly, I planned to rub against a tree to dislodge it. I was caught off guard by the overwhelming scent of Katya, she was nearby. Why was she back in the forest? I realized the danger she could be in with those men and their weapon. Ignoring my own injury, I mustered the little energy I had left and followed her scent out of deep concern. After several anxious minutes, I spotted her leaning against a tree, catching her breath. "Please, let him be okay," I heard her murmur, her eyes darting around frantically. Finally, her gaze landed on me, and with a hint of relief. "You're alive,” she exclaimed. Did she really come out here to find me? "It's because she feels the connection, she just doesn't understand it," Ash said in my mind as we struggled to remain standing. Her eyes moved to the ground by me, filled with worry. "No, they hurt you," she stammered, her voice trembling. "What do I do? I don't want you to die," she talked to herself, her voice filled with desperation. "You're bleeding bad, but will you let me even look at where you're hurt?" she whispered softly. I laid down on the ground, waiting for her to understand me. She looked at me, her expression conflicted. "I sound like a crazy person. There is no way he understands me. Okay, Katya, you can do this," she said to herself, determined. Even with the pain, the way she was talking to herself was cute. I watched her open the bag and pull out something that smelled like meat. "I walked to a fast food place and got this, hoping I would find you. I wanted something to say thank you to you since I'm pretty sure you have been looking out for me, no matter how strange that sounds. I'm sure you won't like it. It's fast food, so junk, but it's all I could afford. Maybe it will distract you enough so I can look at where you're hurt," she said, her words flowing out in a fast rush. She took a few cautious steps towards me and extended her hand, offering the strange food. It had a funny smell, but luckily Ash was not opposed to trying it since he was mainly in control of me. He took it off the ground and ate it as I felt her hand against our fur. "They shot you, the bullet is still in you, but it looks like it didn't go deep. I don't know what to do. I think it needs to come out. I can try, but will you let me?" she stammered, her voice filled with concern. She dug through the bag, pulling out strange metal-looking things. "Tweezers, I think they will work," she muttered. A whimper escaped Ash as she put them against the wound. "I'm sorry," she whispered, and then I felt her pull something. "She got it out," Ash said to me. "There, out," she said as I felt her hands against me. She then opened her bag and pulled out what looked like medical tape. "I bought this for my wrist, but I think you need it more," she whispered, her voice filled with compassion. She fumbled with the packaging, struggling to open it. It was obvious that her wrist was in pain as she winced while trying. Finally, she managed to open it and then wrapped it around me. The touch of her hand was gentle but I could feel the warmth of her pain seeping through. It was just enough to cover the wound, although now that the object was removed from me, I knew I would heal fast. "Their," she said. "Now we just need to get you somewhere safe, and I know just the spot. The trick is getting you to follow me." She whispered, "Um, here," while standing up she patted her leg. Intrigued, I got up and obediently followed her. "I guess you really do understand," she mused as we walked for about fifteen minutes, navigating through the dense forest. Finally, we reached a clearing that opened up to a breathtaking view of a large lake. "Not far now," she assured me. "No one ever comes here. I like to hideout here, but I'm willing to share it with you." Confusion filled my mind as I wondered why she spent so much time in this forest. It didn't seem like a safe place. Nevertheless, I trusted her and followed her down a small hill to a hidden cave. "Here," she said, gesturing for me to enter. The cave had a ledge that overlooked the tranquil lake, and a few melted candles on the ground. "Why did she hide in here?" I wondered silently, but she seemed to read my thoughts. She sat down and gazed out at the water. "I like to think my mom and dad are now spirits of the lake here," she whispered softly. "I know I'm just fooling myself that you understand a single word coming from my mouth, but I don't know, I just feel like I can talk to you." I settled myself on the ground, not wanting to startle her. Instead, I wanted her to open up to me, to trust me. "You see, they died," she began, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and longing. "We went on a camping trip at the other end of this lake, my first time. I still remember it, even though I was really young. A drunk driver hit our car, and it went into the lake. They say the only reason I'm alive is because my mom saved me. She got me out of the car in time, but she drowned with my dad. I come here to be with them. This forest, this lake, I feel like a part of them remains here. Sometimes I wish I could just move into this cave, no matter how silly that sounds." She admitted, her voice cracking with emotion. "I had a few couples who showed interest in adopting me, but I always acted out in fear that I would be taken away from this forest. I can't leave my mom and dad behind. I guess I'd rather be alone than have someone replace them," she confessed, her eyes locking with mine for a brief moment. "Your eyes," she whispered, shaking her head. "No, now I'm being really crazy. It's just that they look identical to Falcon's." With that, she stood up. "I have to go now," she said, her voice tinged with urgency, "but stay here if you understand me. You can't come near my building right now, it's not safe for you," she warned, concern evident in her eyes. As she reached into her pocket, she pulled out her phone, its sleek screen illuminating her face. "He just won't give up," she sighed, referring to the ass hole who had hurt her. She hesitated. A growl escaped me startling her, but relief washed over me as a smile crossed her face. "I see you don't like him as well," she whispered, sliding her phone back into her pocket. "Promise to stay here," she pleaded. "I want to see you tomorrow too. I'll tell you all about this guy named Falcon, the one who has the same eyes as you. I'm hoping I'll see him again when I'm done working." "Tell her tonight, tell her what we are." Ash said in my mind. "No, we have to wait," I replied, my voice tinged with caution. "We're making progress, but revealing our true nature will frighten her. We're lucky enough that she talks to us like this." I watched as she ran off, leaving me to ponder the significance of the forest and the lake that held such meaning for her. I understood why she refused to be adopted by a new family, choosing instead to stay here. I couldn't remain in this world with her. I had a duty to fulfill, to become the next wolf king. If she were to leave with me, she would never be able to return. I despised the knowledge that I would be tearing her away from a place so dear to her, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind and giving up either. Was it selfish of me to want her to come with me, knowing how special this place had become to her? "She belongs with us, she is our mate. She needs us as much as we need her. When her heart recognizes us, she will understand," my wolf insisted, his voice echoing in my mind. I hope she won't despise me for asking her to leave with me. The bond I had with her was strong, just as the witch had foretold. Even without marking her, I felt a profound tie to her, one I refused to relinquish.
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