
1907 Words
Katya POV Once settled back into the luxurious room, everything we had purchased had already arrived. Maeve, was insistent that I try on some of the dresses. I'll admit, I was not one to usually enjoy this activity, but she made it fun. In the middle of our giggles, a woman entered the room, startling me. Maeve immediately bowed her head, showing respect. The woman, Irene, introduced herself as Falcon's mother. She examined me with her eyes as she spoke. Maeve, quietly left the room without saying a word. "Don't worry, Katya," Irene reassured me with a friendly smile. "I simply want to talk. My son brought his mate home, yet has kept her hidden from me. So, I took it upon myself to meet you." She extended her hand, and I reciprocated the gesture, shaking it politely. She then led me out of the room and up another flight of stairs, into a beautifully decorated room. "This is a Luna suite," Irene explained. "Although I don't use it as a bedroom, it is a nice getaway. Make yourself comfortable." I sat down in a chair, feeling slightly stiff from nerves and the fear that she might ask me to leave Falcon. Irene settled into another chair opposite me. "Well, you may be human, but you are stunning, just as the rumors going around already claim," Irene complimented. "Please don't be nervous. I am happy my son has found his mate." Her words were soothing, and I began to relax a little. "Now, Katya, you are from a world that mainly consists of humans, according to my mate," Irene stated. "Yes," I responded, contemplating whether to be open or not. But something about Irene's calming aura encouraged me to share. She had long, flowing hair and youthful features, despite being Falcon's mother. "Now, Katya, tell me about yourself. It is unlike my son to speak up against his father," Irene prompted, her voice gentle. "I am sure Falcon has made you aware, we have rules in place. And him wanting to take you as his mate is against those rules, even if you are fated to him. My son is not one to ever break any rules set by our kind. In fact, he is one to enforce them. So I would like to know more about you since he is willing to break them for you." I paused for a moment, feeling a mix of nervousness and curiosity. But she gave me another friendly smile, putting me at ease. "What about your family? Tell me about them first," she explained. "My parents died when I was young," I began, my voice tinged with sorrow. "I'm afraid I never knew any of my other family. I was told my grandparents were deceased, and no other family stepped forward to raise me. But the memories I have of my parents are all happy. My mother was very caring, always with me. I remember her bright smile. And my father, he worked hard, yet he always made sure he had time for me. I remember he would read to me every night, his voice soothing and comforting. He would always tell me I was his brave and strong little girl. He promised we would explore together, since my family enjoyed the outdoors." I paused, my voice cracking slightly from the rush of emotions. "I'm sorry, Katya," she said softly. "It must have been hard to lose your parents at a young age. So when they passed, who raised you?" "I grew up in an orphanage," I admitted, my heart pounding a little faster. "I did live with one foster family, but only for a few months. It did not work out." She seemed to notice that it was not something I really wanted to talk about. "What do you like to do for fun?" she asked, changing the subject. "Keep busy," I replied. "I know that sounds strange, but I like working or going out and walking. Keeping busy often keeps my mind off other things. I often imagine what I could achieve if I keep working hard. I wanted to go to college and have a career someday." I explained. "You sound like my son on the keeping busy part," she said, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. The soft rustle of her dress could be heard as she moved closer. "Falcon does not often take breaks for himself. He has always been focused on his duties, and because of that, he is also the kingdom's top warrior." I could sense the pride in her words. "He will make a good king when his father steps down in 6 months, but with that comes even more responsibility, and he will need a Luna at his side to help take on some of that," she explained. The weight of the future hung in the air, a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. "His mate must be as much of a leader as him." "I'm a fast learner," I admitted to her, my voice tinged with determination. "I know I'm not like him or your pack. I'm a human, but I work hard and will do all I can." The words spilled out, a mix of eagerness and nerves. "I'm sure you will," she reassured me, her voice soothing. "Unlike my mate, Falcon's father, who may question if this bond between my son and you is good, I do not question it. You were chosen to stand by Falcon, and because of that, it is my intention to make sure you are prepared to do so." Relief washed over me, like a gentle wave easing my worries. She wanted to help me, to ensure I could be the support Falcon needed. "Now, it looks like Maeve got you in a nice dress," she said, a hint of a smile in her voice. "How about I help you fix up your hair and do your makeup, and then we will have dinner with my mate? Falcon will find us when he is done for the day." The offer was kind and welcoming, a gesture of acceptance. She got up and grabbed a few things, the sound of objects being moved filling the room. Then she asked me to sit in another chair. As she brushed my hair, her hands gentle and skilled, she remarked, "Your hair is like silk, Katya. I have to say, I'm envious. I've also always wanted a daughter so I could do her hair." The scent of her perfume lingered in the air, a delicate floral fragrance. Memories of my mother doing this for me as a child flashed through my mind, and a stray tear fell from my eye. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. "No, it's just that no one has really done this since my parents passed," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. The sadness and longing welled up within me. "I know I can never replace your mother, Katya, but you are family now, so please think of me as a mother as well," Irene said gently. Her words were like a soothing balm, bringing comfort to my wounded heart. I whispered a heartfelt "thank you" in response. She continued brushing my hair, the sensation of the bristles against my scalp both calming and comforting. Then, she started braiding it, her fingers deftly weaving the strands together. But then, she stopped and brushed her finger against the back of my neck. "This mark, it's unique," she said, her voice filled with curiosity. I knew she was speaking of one of my scars. "I have several scars from the accident that took my parents' lives," I admitted. "This one looks like a star, I've seen it before," she mused. Her touch was gentle, her finger tracing the outline of the scar. "I guess it kind of does. My hair covers it, so not many see it. I don't think Falcon has noticed it yet," I confessed to her. "So, this happened due to an injury," she asked. "Yes, I was cut pretty bad because of the glass," I admitted. "Although I survived, I was in the hospital for some time due to my injuries." As she started braiding my hair again, her movements seemed more silent, almost hesitant. Was it because of my scar? When she finished, she handed me a mirror, and I saw my hair in a braid for the first time. It looked really pretty. "I really like it, thank you," I said, genuinely grateful. She then pulled out some makeup and delicately applied it to my face. "You don't need much, as you are already beautiful," she complimented softly. Then, she brushed her finger over the spot where Falcon had marked me. I froze momentarily, but she reassured me, "It's okay. I sensed my son marked you the moment we met." Her words brought me relief, and I relaxed again. "Perfect, you are ready," she declared. "The day has already gotten away from us, but I've had a special meal prepared for us. Let's head to our private dining area." Leading me to another beautiful room, with a large solid oak table, I noticed a man sitting at the end. He looked like an older version of Falcon, so he must be the king. Uncertain of what to do, I wondered if I should bow like the others. As soon as he saw us, he stood up and walked over, greeting Irene before kissing her cheek. Then, he turned his attention to me. "Good evening," he greeted, his voice commanding yet warm. "I'm pleased to finally meet you, Katya. I am Wolf King Zander, Falcon's father." My instinct was to bow my head, but he stopped me. "No need for you to bow to me. You are my son's mate," he explained, surprising me once again. His parents were nothing like I had imagined, especially considering the witch's warning. But as I looked at the unfilled tattoo on my wrist, I knew that I still had a long way to go to prove that I belonged here. Suddenly, staff entered the room with a bottle of wine, pouring three glasses and handing one to me. Polite but nervous, I accepted it and placed it on the table. Irene then asked, "Katya, may I show Zander the scar on your neck?" A wave of worry washed over me, but I nodded hesitantly. Irene moved behind me and moved my braid, revealing the star-shaped scar on my neck. Zander's eyes widened in surprise. "A star. She's been touched by a goddess," he exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder. Before I could utter a word, a low growl reverberated from behind me."Don't touch her," Falcon's voice, laced with protectiveness, pierced through the air. In an instant, his hands enclosed around me, their warmth seeping into my skin. I could feel the rapid thud of his heart against my back, a rhythm of concern. Leaning closer, his breath brushed against my ear as he whispered, "Are you okay?" Struggling to soothe his unease, I reassured him, "I'm fine, really. I gave them permission to look at my scar." But beneath his grip, I sensed a tightness that was uncharacteristic of him. Fear seemed to engulf him, and as I pondered if I was the cause, a nagging worry about his parents crept into my thoughts.
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