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One girl sitting alone in the ground of the Thanatology research department centre , Her name is Evelyn . She is young scientist and researcher in that Thanatology, Evelyn is pretty famous and angelic . Many boys are falling for her beauty . " Shucks. . . ugh . . Why I'm still alive ? My life sucks . I don't know how to Die ? But I want to die, In this world, I can't live peacefully. I don't wanna anybody, who loves me I don't wanna hurt anybody again, I'm also not going to love anybody". She is having hard time because of something . . . . . Greyson is staring Evelyn from the second floor of the research centre , " What she is doing there ? Can I go there ? Why she is not talking to anybody ? What's going on her mind ? " . Greyson is having crush on Evelyn . "Why Many people are saying that Evelyn is mentally disturbed ? . And she is arrogant . But for me she seems to be very nice and beautiful " . But Evelyn is very sincere and hard worker and her only goal is to achieve something big. Even though she is not having any interest in relationships . " I worked with her in the invention of soul camera, that time she is very nice to me and also to the whole team . Now what happened to her ? " . The Thanatology research department centre and co - workers are very proud of Evelyn , because she invented the soul camera , which will not capture humans , instead it will capture the supernatural spirits and souls. She invented that soul camera with the help of Greyson , Carter and Sasha . THIS IS REALLY INCREDIBLE INVENTION! . " Ah . . . Ahh . . . . . . Almost one year over after the soul camera invention . Oh my God . . . . . . Where Evelyn went within a seconds ? It's evening 6:30 P.m . " Unexpectedly , Carter and Sasha is passing the Greyson in that second floor . " Sasha . . . . . Sasha . . . . . " . " What Greyson ? . . . . . . . . . . What happened to you ? " . " I wanna ask you something . Can I get some time ? " . " Of course . . . . . Ask me ? . . . . " Carter saying , " Hey Sasha . . . . Sasha . . . Can I go downstairs and wait there ? " . " No need Carter . . . . I wanna ask you too . . . . . stay here itself . . . . " . " What ! ? What you are asking to ask us ? . . " . " Ha . . wait . . you guys are close to Evelyn . . . " . " Yes . . . we are close to her . . . For that what Greyson ? " . . said by Sasha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . " I know . . . . . . Why Evelyn is always alone and Why she is not talking to anybody ? Is she talking to you guys ? I heard some rumours about Evelyn . Is that all true ? " . " What rumour you heard about her ? " . asked by Sasha .. " She is cold heart . . . . ." . " Well , you worked with her , what you are thinking about her ? " . " She is amazing . . . . . , kind heart . . . . . and perfect girlfriend material . . . . . " . " Greyson Don't support the rumours " . " Okay. . . why she is always alone ? " Carter said , " Evelyn is not talking well to us after parents death " . " What ! ? When her parents dead ? What happened to her parents ? " . Sasha said , " Almost one year over , She is blaming herself for her parents dead. We told her it is not your fault , but she didn't hear us " . " Why she is blaming herself ? How her parents were died ? " . . . . " If you wanna know about it , Today is her parents memorial day . You know where she is now right ? ? ? " . . . . said by Sasha . Say no more . . . Greyson is too fast as light . He is going to see Evelyn . . . Evelyn is sitting in the tomb of their parents and she is crying loudly . . . . . " I'm so sorry . . . . I'm the one who killed you both. . . I don't deserve to live in this world with this guilty pressure . Fine I'm going to kill myself and I want to see you both . . . Please forgive for this . . . . . " . Greyson also arrived there . . . . Greyson found Evelyn there . . . . " No . . Evelyn . . Evelyn . . . What are you trying to do ? Are you crazy ? . . . . . Don't do anything wrong. . . . . . . Come Let's have a talk . . . . Don't do anything wrong . . . You are having many people by your side . . . No Evelyn . . . Please listen to me . . . ." . TO BE CONTINUED . . . . .
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