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The Thanatology research department centre suddenly called Evelyn , Greyson , Carter and Sasha .  Research centre head Caren saying , " Hey guys we found one lab , which is abandoned and haunted for many years . Many rumours are going around that lab " .  Sasha asked , " Why you called us ? " . " We are going to assign you four guys for that secret mission  " . " What ! ? secret mission ah ah ? " . . . . How can that possible ? What if something really was there ? " said by Carter. " Haunted lab ? ? We can't do this secret mission or whatever ? " said by Sasha . Greyson saying , " Sorry sorry , Really we can't do this secret mission and we have to live " . " You four are the best for that mission and you guys invented the soul camera right ! ? " .  " Okay just let me say the rules for that secret mission . Can I say the rules ? " . Greyson said , " Well say it as your wish " . RULE 1 : 50 days you four have to stay in that haunted lab . RULE 2 : Capture the spirits with the soul camera , that you guys invented . RULE 3 : Once you signed the contract for this secret mission , you don't have the permission to quit " . RULE 4 : This have to be secret and you don't tell this secret mission about others . RULE 5 : Without fear , you all have to communicate with the spirits . RULE 6 : No phones are allowed . RULE 7 : If once entered that haunted lab means , you don't have the rights to come out of the lab . " What the heck is this ? " Sasha asked . Carter asked , " What we can do if there's a real spirit ? " .  Greyson said , " We can't do this and how can we stay in that haunted lab ? What we will do for the foods ? " . " Without phone ? how is that possible " .  The Thanatology department head Caren saying , " We are responsible for your lives and we arranged a rooms neatly in that haunted lab and the centre will provide the food daily . We are responsible for you guys . Don't worry about yourself guys and CCTV cameras are fixed around the lab by us and we will always check the CCTV cameras , So don't worry guys " . . . . .. . . . . . . . .  Carter saying " What the f**k ? If something happens bad , did you guys save as by the CCTV camera ? " .  " Hey relax , you are hyped , low your temp . . . . . . .  " .  Caren saying , " Just 50 days and it is not a big deal for you guys " . Greyson said , " Not big deal for us . . . . ugh . . . . We also humans right ! ? Oh oh . . . . Did you consider as an non - human or something ? " . " Hey Greyson . . . , it is not like that " . " Then what ! ? . . . . . . . Are you kidding us with this secret mission " .  " No nah . . . .  I'm not making a jokes right now and Wait . . . . . . . let me show a contract for this secret mission . . . Then you all will believe me " . . . . .  Caren is showing the contract which is containing more than 15 pages and he is asking them to put the sign in that contract if they agreed for that secret mission . " This is the contract for that secret mission and if you guys agreed to this secret mission , then sign the contract " .  Carter and Sasha are looking at each other .  Greyson saying , " Before signing the contract , Can you tell why chose us to this secret mission ? " .  Caren said , " Cause um . . . uhm . . . . . you guys invented the soul camera and For me you four are the best and suitable for this secret mission . . . . .  ah That's it . . . " . Sasha asked , " What if something really there . . . " .  " Do you guys really afraid of that ? Are you believing it ? " . Caren convinced Sasha , Carter and Greyson also .  Sasha saying , " Give the contract I will sign it " .  " Hey read the contract and then sign . . . " said by Carter . " Ah  . . . . It will took 1 year to read this contract , If you want you read it Carter  . . . . " .  " Yes , I agree with you . . . . It will took more than one year to read that contract paper " .  Finally Carter , Sasha and Greyson signed the contract .  Evelyn is about to sign the contract and she took the pen in her hand . . . . . . . But suddenly she put the pen and she didn't sign the contract . . . . . .  She get off from there and went out . . . .   Greyson also chasing her . . . . . . . . .  . .. TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .        
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