C H A P T E R 7 - Hades.

220 Words

As much as I hated doing it, as much as I knew how much it was affecting her and how lonely she was becoming, I had no way of letting her out of the cage. It was something that was going too pose a threat that was too great, and there were absolutely no guarantees that we would be able to handle what they turn out to be. It was a matter of days before Persephone returned. The weeks had become less and less and I knew that my time with Dilara was slowly coming to an end. There was no way that I could keep her here during the time that Persephone was here. It would be like signing her death certificate ahead of time. There was no doubt in my mind that Persephone would find her here, regardless of how hard I worked to make sure that this place remained hidden. There was nothing stopping

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