Chapter 9 – On Assignment | Dana

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Chapter 9 – On Assignment Dana12:45 PM Wednesday, February 11th Morelville Ohio As soon as Dad was back at the store, I excused myself and got out of there. After a brief stop at home to let Boo out, freshen up and grab a few things, I went off to try and get a meeting with Warren Brietland. I was nervous about the meeting with him, to say the least. I recalled when I’d first moved in with Mel, while I was recovering from multiple leg surgeries, that the Brietland clan figured prominently in one of her cases that I got sucked into involuntarily. I shuddered at the thought. I hope this go around with them works out a lot better! Brietland met with me in his study. He dispensed immediately with pleasantries and got right down to business. “I’ve worked with Young a few times in the past

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