Chapter 7 – Do Over | Mel

340 Words

Chapter 7 – Do Over MelEarly Wednesday Morning, February 11th Morelville, Ohio Since Tuesday hadn’t ended with more rioting in the streets of Zanesville and since my duty cell had been quiet overnight, I actually managed to catch more than a few hours of sleep. I woke up at 5:00 not really feeling fully rested but certainly better than I had in a few days. Creeping back into the bedroom from our little bathroom after my shower, I was surprised to find Dana awake and sitting up in bed. “Come here you,” she beckoned me. “Why?” “Just come here.” “But I’m practically naked here...” “Your point being?” I moved closer to our bed. “I have to go to work babe.” “I know; I just want to give you a proper send off.” She raised her chin toward me and crooked a finger to motion me even closer

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