Chapter 6

756 Words

Chapter 6I waited for Tad outside of the club as a light but steady rain began. I huddled near the white brick wall, my suit getting wet, my hair damp, realizing he might not come. He could have left from a different entrance. After a half hour, I was shivering, fumbling for the car service card when he called to me. At the side of the building was an alleyway. I stepped toward the entrance which was like that of a dark, forbidden cave. There was a dim flicker of light in the distance. I moved toward the bit of light, running my hand along the brick wall on both sides of the alley. I realized there was dried blood on my cheek, from where the fence had cut me during the match. I kept going, seeing two figures ahead. There was light laughter, a soft murmuring of voices, but I could not hear

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