(20). Knight in a leather jacket

1806 Words

Asher is waiting in his car when I walk downstairs a few minutes past nine. I had a nightmare free night so I'm well rested now. I took my time choosing an outfit and wearing make-up, and I feel a lot like my old self. Asher leans in to kiss me the moment the car door is closed behind me. I hesitate, then I wrap an arm around his neck and kiss him back. I've never kissed anyone before just for the sake of kissing. Surprisingly, it's not terrible. I was kinda missing out. Asher smiles at me when he pulls back. "You look so....alive. You look a lot like yourself now." My little heart swells. I'll happily take whatever compliments he throws my way. I plant a light kiss on the side of his mouth before I sit up in my seat. I wear the seatbelt, aware of his eyes on me, and once I'm

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