(5). Jordan would never hurt you

2817 Words

Six years earlier... "Because Reid was the one who assaulted you that night, Riya." Savannah says evenly. "Jordan didn't hurt you. He'd never hurt you. Nathan and Kol can attest that it was Reid who did it." I almost laugh in Savannah's face. My heart is too full; too sated, too in love to bear any other emotion but happiness. Plus she obviously has no idea what she's talking about. "I'm glad you're not dead." I say after a beat. "You'll have to buy me dinner to make it up to me for all the tears I shed thinking you were dead." "He did assault you. Ask him." "You're insane. Just leave. Go and lie down or something. You can tell me what the hell happened to you once you've had some sleep." "You think I'm just exhausted? That I'm not in my right senses?" "Riya." Hazel voice is very

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