(63). The adopted one

2850 Words

"So, how did you two meet?" Reid's father asks curiously. We are at the dinner table which is laden with all types of food and fruit. It's nothing I haven't seen before but still, it deserves an applause. "They met through me." Asher says in a sing song voice. He has being petty and vain of late. I guess it's the drugs doing a number on him. Reid turns to his father with a tired sigh. "We met a few years ago. We just lost touch for a while." "You've changed so much since the last time I saw you." Reid's Mom tells me. Her eyes have been on me the entire time and to be honest, it's quite unnerving. "I don't remember us meeting in the past." She takes her time dabbing her lips with her towel before she smiles again. "Of course you don't. You were too little. Reid developed a cr

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