(40). What are sisters for?

1757 Words

If I thought that Asher would choose to give ten bucks, then the joke is on me. He doesn't even hesitate. He promptly gets up and walks over to Mia. He cups her cheek with his hand, his fingers sneaking under her ear to lock around her nape, and their lips lock in pure ecstasy. The room goes totally quiet when neither of them pulls back. When a low moan escapes Mia's lips, Nathan grabs Asher by the jacket and pulls him back. "Bro, what are you doing!" Asher gasps as he intakes a breath of fresh air. Nathan places a hand on his chest and pushes him backwards. "Don't 'bro' me. What the hell was that?!" For the first time in my life, I'm utterly speechless. I can't believe that just happened. "It was a dare you psycho!" Asher yells in Nathan's face. "Are you seriously miss

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