(10). I'm not gonna hurt you

1869 Words
Asher pulls back when I remain rigid. He places his thumb on my chin and gently tips my face up. He traces my bottom lip while I close my eyes, trying hard not to flinch. He tightens his arm around my waist, his lips slightly parted, his eyes awash with desire. I stand on tiptoes when he leans in and our lips meet halfway. I want to push his brother's remarks from my head but it's very hard. I close my eyes tightly as I kiss him, hoping against hope that I'll be able to go through with this. He groans when I deliberately take his bottom lip between my teeth and tug gently. He suddenly spins us around until I'm pressed against the wall, my chest pressed into his. My legs go easily around his waist when he lifts me up, and our lips meet furiously; passionately, hungrily. I'm mostly faking it but that's not the point. All my life, I've been a very vengeful human. Ever since someone forced himself on me when I was barely a teenager, I've harboured bitterness and hatred, and I find it hard to let people walk all over me. I usually don't care what I have to do to feel like I'm in control. Asher's only mistake is being related to the wrong person. I don't even feel guilty that I'm doing this to him. My morality died the moment my innocence was ripped ruthlessly away from me in my own bedroom, by my own step father. * Jordan was one of my favourite people in the world. Actually, he was my favourite person in the entire world. He treated me like a princess until one fine evening when he decided to become a monster and force himself on a thirteen year old me. I don't know why he did that, and I'll probably never find out, but life has never been the same since that fateful day. "Kiss me back." Asher whispers against my lips. I just zoned out, again, right in the middle of kissing him. I tilt my head to the side when Asher's hot lips teasingly trail their way down my chin to my throat, and I let my eyes flutter closed, my lips parting as I tighten my arms around his neck. He walks to the bed with me in his arms and when he lowers me onto it, I pull him over me. I don't think I'm faking it anymore. I appreciate the fact that he's able to make me forget my problems for a while. The way he kisses me like he loves doing it, and the way he holds me like I mean s**t to him is a welcome distraction. This way, I can easily pretend that nothing is wrong with the world; that my life is not crumbling apart every single minute. Asher peels off my dress and he stares at my body in awe before he leans in plants a kiss on the mound of my breast. Ah! I want him to take charge and have his way with me. I need him to. He pulls back without warning and I frown when he sits on the edge of the bed. My frown widens when he pulls his shirt back on. "What." I demand when he picks my dress from the floor and tosses it on the bed. "I'm sorry, Riya. I shouldn't be doing this." "Shouldn't be doing what?" "I don't want you to think that I want to be with you just to have s*x with you." "What do you mean?" I ask, confused. "Wear your dress." "What? So you're just going to leave me with whatever female blue balls are called?" "Yes." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This is seriously happening. "Can you give me an explanation or something before I throw a tantrum?" Asher blows out his breath. "I kind of talked to Hazel." "What?" "Please let me explain. I got her number from Nathan last night and I called her. I wanted to know a few things about you; like why you act the way you do." "Lemme guess this straight. You called my best friend to ask what's wrong with me?" "I did." "You realise you could've just asked me?" "I thought about it. Figured I didn't want to get punched in the face." Fair enough. "So you think something is wrong with me?" "In a nutshell. Riya, you are weird. To be honest, you scare me a little bit. I called Hazel because I wanted to know how I can help you." "There's always a random boy trying to fix me. I don't get it." "Listen, Kol told me that you were crying in Reid's arms last night. Tonight, you just fell apart at the party before you ran up here. You hate being touched, you hate people being nice to you and you literally hate commitments. I wish to know the story behind all that." "There's no story, and you're such a mood killer. I can't believe that we're having that talk right now." "There is a story, Riya. All the girls I've met before want nothing short of a Prince charming to sweep them off their feet and carry them into the sunset. You, not so much. You intrigue me because you're different." "So, basically, you want to be with me because I didn't swoon and cling to you the first night we met?" "Partly, yeah." "I can't believe you. Boys are trying to date the perfect girls out there and you came to me?" "What does that mean?" "Asher, no one wants to date girls like me." When he raises an eyebrow, I shrug. "You know.. sluts. Why are you even here?" "First of all, I didn't say that you're a slut." "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out already." "What am I even supposed to say to that?" "I'm guessing you want to judge me? If yes, get in line. " He leans in until his gazes are levelled. "If you are a slut, then I'm one too. I'm not judging you. I'm f****d up too." I stare at him for a whole minute before I shake my head. "What did Hazel tell you?" "That I should be more patient and accommodating when it comes to you. I think she's great by the way." "So this is you being accommodating?" "Sorry if I suck at it. Kol thinks that your attitude is a cry for help. I'm just trying to be there for you." "Is Kol a shrink or something?" "He's almost getting there. He's about done with college and he's been working with his Mom who is a therapist too. I guess he knows what he is talking about." I absently eye my dress before I raise my eyes back to Asher. "I don't understand how you went from being a reckless jerk who doesn't do the dating thing to a guy who wants to 'get to know me' in a couple of days. That's so annoying." "Like I said, you intrigue me. Some of us like a challenge. Simple gets boring pretty fast." "Whatever, Asher. Just so you know, I'm not all confetti and sunshine. I'm that little brat that has way too much money at her disposal, a flashy car, shitty grades and parents that are nothing to write home about. I sleep around too much, and I act like everything is about me. Is that the girl you want?" "I stopped listening at confetti." He laughs. Is it bad that I'm actually enjoying talking to Asher? I feel like I don't have much conversations with my best friends. We're always drinking or shopping or basically being..ourselves. "So what happens now?" I ask Asher, pulling my dress over my head. "We can go on that date tomorrow and see how it goes." "I've never been on a date before." "I don't even get it. You're easily the most beautiful girl I've ever met." "I'm guessing you haven't met a lot of girls." I look him over as I brush my hair with my fingers. "I always turn people down whenever they ask me out." "So I'm a lucky guy, huh?" He chuckles. "Unlucky should be the term. What do you have in mind for the date?" "Do you have a preference?" "Just be creative. Dinners and movies bore me." He nods dutifully. "Yes ma'am. Anything else?" "Don't call my friends to ask about me. That's weird." "Noted." "One more thing." He raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?" "Do not ask a lot of questions." "Maybe later? When you learn to trust me?" "A definite maybe." He shrugs. "Is that all?" "Yeah." "Good. I'll pick you tomorrow at noon. Don't dress up." I start to whine about not dressing up, but a familiar ringtone comes from somewhere in the room. I frown at Asher. "Are we using the same ringtone?" "That's actually your phone. Mia gave it to me." He gets my phone from his pockets as he talks and hands it to me. I'm not even surprised when I realize that it's a private number that's calling. I'm annoyed. I force a smile when I feel Asher's eyes on me. "I'm not picking this." "Who's calling?" "No one I care about. I need a drink." "Me too. I'll get you one and be right back." "Oh!" I exclaim in surprise when he plants a kiss on the tip of my nose before he gets out of bed. I don't know how long I'll string him along before he realizes that I'm only using him to get back at his s**t brother. I wait until Asher is out of the room before I answer the call. "Guess who's at the party!" I exclaim smugly. "Riya, where are you?" "Party, last time I checked." "I need you to get the hell out of there." "Why?" "Because the cops are inside the house. They're arresting everyone." My heart pounds in my chest. "What do you mean?" "A neighbour called them. Drug abuse, rowdiness, very loud music and a girl was raped up front." Now that makes a chill run down my spine. "And you know all this because?" "Just find a damn place to hide before they find you." Just like that, he hangs up. Shit. No wait. A girl was raped out front? My heart beats so hard that I'm scared I might pass out. There's no way that can be Savannah. There's no f*****g way. The lights suddenly go off. Ah, crap! The door is kicked open and a figure rushes in. I'm set to scream but a hand is suddenly clamped over my mouth. "Shhhh." He mutters in my ear. I fight hard but he doesn't let me go. My screams are nothing but muffled sobs and they don't stop him from dragging me towards the bathroom. God no, not the bathroom!!! "Please no!" I gasp as tears roll down my cheeks. "Please don't rape me. " I think he catches the last word because his hold on me slackens a little bit. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He whispers. "Just come with me." Reid?
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