(11). A match made in heaven

1783 Words

A fiery anger is burning through me as I head to the house. I had no idea that Reid had the capability to be that casual about Jordan's death. His lack of remorse irks me so much. Maybe Jordan wasn't the best person out there, but he didn't deserve to die like he did. He didn't deserve to die at all. Or to go to prison. Or to be lumped with criminals when he was never one to begin with. His only crime was getting married to the devil; also known as Gina. My heart suddenly aches for him. I wish I listened to him the night he kidnapped Mia from our hotel room; the night he died. Maybe everything would've turned out different. I reel backwards when I bump into someone at the front door. I quickly hold back the swear combination that forms on my lips when I look up. That's because my

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