(3). Klein Maxfield

2102 Words

"I'm quitting my job." The edges of his lips go up in a smile. "I've been asking you to do that since we got married but you flatly turned me down. What brought about this change of mind?" "I want to dedicate more time to Tiana." "That's all?" "Isn't that good enough?" "Yeah...Riya, I know what you're thinking; that I barely spend time with her. That's true, and I'm so ashamed of myself for it, but I'm just busy." "Too busy to tuck her into bed every once in a while?" "I always get home late. How about I take the day off tomorrow and spend it with you two?" "Nathan's engagement party is tomorrow. We have to be there." "No, we don't. Your brother doesn't even like me." "He does. He's just too-" "Too what? Honest? Did I tell you that he threatened me?" "He threatened you?" "On

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