(42). I'll take you home

1883 Words

The party is lit. The booze is flowing, the music is deafening, the dancing is insane and the excitement is unreal. I'll be lucky to get out of here alive. My father calls, probably to check if I got home safely, but I send him to voicemail without a second thought. He would freak out if he heard the craze going on around me. I find a half bottle of some cheap liquor in the kitchen. I toy with it for a minute wondering if this is worth it, and eventually, I tip my head back to take a deep swig of the burning liquid. Yeah, this is more like it. The burning sensation makes me feel alive. Deciding to take the bottle with me, I find my way to the living area where loads of students are having fun. "Hey!" Hazel yells as she pushes her way past the throng of party makers towards me.

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