Date Me! (2)

1371 Words

Chapter 69: Date Me (2) *** “Noah, I’m so sorry that we’re late! I didn’t mean to but we got into a small car accident…” Sayaka ran up to their table, nearly out of breath as she apologized to the two men in a sincere manner. Behind her was a tall and well built man that seemed silent at first, he only nodded his head and gave a one worded. “Sorry.” Before he turned to look back at the woman again, giving her his undivided attention once more. “Are you alright? You shouldn’t have been driving!” Noah said with a concern ridden voice as he held onto the woman’s two hands, he looked into her eyes as if he was terrified of her getting hurt. “I know… and I’m fine but I wanted to try and get better you know?” Sayaka said dismissively as she leaned back into her chair, she sat down and sighe

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