Chapter 54

1939 Words
            She fell into a strange numbness. She could not sleep, because as soon as she closed her eyes she could see his face. She could feel is scent, the taste of his lips. She tortured her ears with the loudest music so as not to hear his voice in her head. She just wandered around the apartment, taking turns drinking coffee and wine. One to stay awake, the other to dull her senses and pain. She switched channels on TV without paying attention to anything.             Ashley called her several times to make an appointment, but Jay excused herself hanging out saying she was feeling unwell. But she promised to call back as soon as she felt better. However, the conversation with her friend told her that she was reaching the limit of her endurance. Yet she was still afraid to fall asleep, so she tried to wake herself up a little bit taking a cold shower, then a hot one and cold again. She quickly reheated the casserole from Mrs. Morgan and ate it with some herbal tea. She felt a little better, and at least it seemed that a new energy entered her. She cleaned up the flat and went shopping.             After five sleepless days she was almost staggering. Eventually she would have taken some sleep, or she would collapse from exhaustion. The world around her seemed so unreal. As if everything was painted. When she heard a knock on the door, she thought she had hallucinations. That she misheard. But the persistent tapping repeated over and over, making a rumbling echo in her head.   -       Jay, I know you’re there! – Holt’s voice came to her as from behind a thick wall covered with soundproofing wool. – Open up!               His commanding tone of voice made her feel a surge of rage. He had no right to tell her what to do! Even her brothers were not so brazen!   -       Go away! – She shouted at the door. -       I’m not going to! -       I don’t want your company! – She growled. -       Don’t piss me off! – He slammed his fist on the door. – Either you open it right now, or I’ll go to nice Mrs. Freeman for a spare key! – He warned her. -       You won’t dare! -       Try me!               She went to the door and looked at it for a moment, not knowing what to do. She did not want to see anyone. Not now that she was like this. Weak and helpless. But if she refuses to open the door, Holt will get in anyway. One puppy-like look at her landlady and he will get the key immediately! ‘f**k!’ She thought with anger. Finally, furious with herself and with him, she opened the door with a quick jerk.   -       What the f**k do you want?! – She growled.               He lost his voice for a moment and stared at her dumbfounded. She was exhausted, he could see it clearly in her eyes. They were much deeper, darker than usual, with shadows all around them. But she looked beautiful! With a lush red hair storm framing her face. ‘When did she dye them?’ It crossed his mind. She was wearing a pair of well-fitted jeans and a loose gray T-shirt that had slipped off her left arm, revealing pale pink scars. She was barefoot.             He shook himself quickly from that daze.   -       You haven’t showed up for several days and you haven’t answered any calls! – He went inside forcing her to step back. He closed the door behind him. – I came to check I everything’s okay. Mrs. M. is worried. – He said with concern. -       So you saw me and as you can see, everything is fine! And now you can go! – She pointed at the door.               He did not even move. Jay realized that he must have been off today because he was dressed casual. Jeans, a hoodie, unlaced hiking boots and a sports jacket. He also had matted hair and two days of stubble on his face. And he was smiling mischievously at her. She shook her head.   -       Somehow I find it hard to believe! – He said doubtfully. -       To believe what?! – She looked at him confused.               She had troubles to concentrate. Her tired mind kept pushing Bryan's words to her, and her hunter nature rebelled against it. Some inner voice urged her: “Prove to yourself and to him otherwise! That you can live without him!”   -       You’re sure you’re okay? – He touched her cheek gently and looked into her eyes.               'Screw this!’ She thought angrily. She stood on her toes, plunged her fingers into his hair and dug into his lips. He tasted like a wild, forbidden fruit that she should not have picked. But she could not resist him. She had to see what would happen once she had tasted him.             At first he was totally stunned. However, he froze literally for a split of a second. Then he grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer. As she parted her lips, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss. She moaned and he sobered up in an instant. He pushed her away as if she had burned him.   -       Listen Jay, I … ! – He tried hard to keep the last bit of common sense. -       Leave! – She realized that she had made a mistake. She threw herself at her friend to prove herself that she could forget about Bryan. ‘i***t!’ She scolded herself silently. -       Jay! – He reached out to her, but she pulled away. – Please let me explain! -       I said leave! – She went to the door and opened it wide. -       I’m sorry! – He added, not knowing it was the last thing she wanted to hear. -       Get the f**k out! – She hissed.               He left and she shut the door behind him.             She felt like a moron. Like a fuckin humiliated i***t! She did not even have the strength to cry. She needed some sleep. Immediately. She had to just fly away for even a few hours. To forget. Do not think. Do not know. She remembered the pills from the woman at the airport. She found them in a jacket pocket. Without thinking she took two and washed it down with a glass of wine. She fell on the bed as she stood and fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. ***             She had to admit that this experience had restored her strength. Maybe it did not quite go her way, because she was finally rejected, but she proved herself that her world did not end with Bryan Weakfield. Did she feel humiliated? Maybe a little. Did she have the feeling that she had just betrayed the love of her life? Absolutely not! Just as she had no remorse after sleeping with Cole. Her relationship with Bryan was a thing of the past, and no matter what Bry said, what he tried to prove, or what he believed. It was definitely an end, and she was going to get over it.             She took a shower, ate a nutritious breakfast, drank a cup of strong coffee to fully wake up, then went to college. Straight after classes, she went to the dojo to request changes to her schedule. If she could change the hours of her groups it would perfect, if not, she can always teach other enthusiasts.             Then she went to the library to get the necessary books to write a criminology paper, ate a late lunch at a little French eatery, and visited several clothing shops to hunt down new clothes for her nicely limited wardrobe. On the occasion, she found the perfect dress for the carnival ball at her father's, for which she chose crazy, exorbitantly high and extremely impractical high heels. She will be fine Belinda Carlisle.             When she parked at the back of the “Double Bottom” it was long past ten. All because Tim called almost at the last minute to ask her to take his last group. The young boys from a nearby high school were already advanced in martial arts, so she enjoyed the lesson a lot. Now she wanted to have a little fun herself. And after the recent events, she was eager to have a fight. The real one, where there will be not only sweat, but also pain and blood.             She did not bother with the jacket. Though the frost was solid, Jay was warmed by the very thought of a fight. She chose the outfit especially for this evening. Pants in soft, stretchy denim, a sports bra, a cotton top, and a light but warm hoodie, which she pulled over her head to hide her face in the shadows. High, soft leather boots wrapped her calves tightly, but allowed her freedom of movement, and her steps were as silent as a cat's.             She entered the bar. There was a buzz of conversation around her, the musty smell of beer and cigarette smoke. She wasted no time on looking around the room. She headed straight for the entrance to the basement, where Cerberus was on guard. At the sight of her, the black giant bared his fangs in a smile.   -       Welcome back flower! – He greeted her. – Ready for another round? -       I was left with some hunger after the last time. – She smiled back. -       In that case, make yourself at home! – He moved aside and opened the door for her. – Luka is expecting you.               She nodded and started down the steep stairs. After a while she heard the sounds of fighting and shouts of onlookers cheering on their favorites. She watched the crowd for a moment. New faces. New bloodthirsty people and supernatural beings wanting to prove themselves in combat. Nobody paid any attention to her. They were all engrossed in the ongoing duel between a well-built young vampire and a rough werewolf. It was an incredibly balanced fight, but Jay would bet the money on the bloodsucker. He was more composed, while the shape-shifter attacked in frenzy and his movements began to be predictable.                  She felt someone's eyes on her. She skimmed the onlookers but saw nothing disturbing. However, the strange feeling remained. She felt watched. Tracked. She climbed down the last steps and began making her way through the crowd toward the center. The current fight was coming to an end and she wanted to take part in the next one. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned abruptly.   -       Why are you in such a hurry? - Luka smiled charmingly at her. - Relax, you're next. - He assured her. - I knew you were coming. -       How could you know that? - She asked suspiciously.               He approached her. He gently brushed his hand over her cheek and neck. He threw her hood back and her hair spilled over her shoulders and back. He leaned towards her.   -       I felt the vibrations. – He whispered in her ear. – An intriguing color. – He noticed and ran his fingers through her hair. – You were right.               A strange shiver ran down her spine. But she did not have time to think about it because the crowd just started to cheer.             The vampire defeated the werewolf.
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