Chapter 46

2047 Words
            Christmas was getting closer. Jay was already looking forward to visiting Purple Creek. She wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city for a few days and breathe clean Montana air. But above all, she wanted to see her brothers again. To hug them tightly and enjoy their closeness, derive peace from their warm, so well-known energy. To leave behind the case of the murders and the failure that her close relationship with Coe undoubtedly was.             Several days had passed since they talked in the parking lot in front of the college, and he was silent. It only made her sure that he really thought she had put a spell in him. She did not have the strength to fight stereotypes and unfounded accusation. ‘It’s better this way!’ She was trying to convince herself. Nevertheless, she strongly believed that soon everything would be as before. A few-day trip will definitely help to clear the atmosphere.             After long discussions, she finally persuaded her father to go with her. She knew that it would go much easier with her grandparents. However, as she pulled up to a stately Manhattan apartment building, she brought the most charming smile to her lips. When she came to New York she was here few times as her grandparents were in town at that time. But soon they went for another trip. And now they were finally back home.   -       Good morning Gordon! – She greeted the porter happily. -       Good morning Miss! – He smiled back at her. -       What’s up with you? How’s your wife and kids? – She asked politely. -       They’re fine, thank you! And you Miss? -       I’m not complaining! – She laughed. – Christmas is coming so it remains to be happy! And you? Have you already bought gifts? -       I always do it earlier to avoid Christmas fever. – He replied pleased. -       Great idea! But it’s so hard to mobilize! – She smiled again. – Have a nice day! -       You too!               She took a light step towards the elevators. She pushed the button of the top floor. When she approached the door of her grandparents’ apartment and knocked lightly. The door opened almost immediately. This confirmed Jay that the receptionist had informed them that they had a guest.   -       Jaysabel! – Grace Tyler instantly locked her granddaughter in an iron grip. – You look really beautiful! – She looked at her from head to toes. – Are you not too skinny? – Se asked, worried. – You must eat well! It’s crucial! – She added in a mentoring tone. -       Hello grandma! – Jay finally came to the fore. – I eat very well tank you! And I do sports, a lot, so I’m thin, not skinny. – Not knowing why she wanted to defend herself. – Besides I’m of slight build. I think I inherited it from you! – She smiled joyfully. -       Perhaps. – She nodded with hesitation. – Come in, please! Jonathan! We have a guest! – She called out to the open terrace. -       Grandma, you look fabulous! – Jay pointed out.               Grace Tyler was a very small person. Slim and quite short. But extremely mobile and energetic. She seemed to be everywhere, she always had time for everyone, she was active not only socially, but also charitable. And she traveled a lot, which was visible in her exotic tan. A short hair dyed golden blond gave her the appearance of a mischievous pixie. She was just a lovely person.   -       Yes, you can buy these stocks! – Jonathan Tyler, tall and well-build man, entered the living room and closed the terrace door behind him, cutting off the inflow of icy December wind. – Take care of it! I must go! – He put down the phone and walked briskly towards his granddaughter. – Jayzee! – He said affectionately and closed her in a bear hug. -       Hello grandpa! – She snuggled into the elder man’s arms with pleasure. – It’s so good to see you both again! -       You too sweetie! – Grace cut in. – I’m so glad that you decided to stay in New York for longer! – She said preparing some coffee. -       We wish we could have arrived earlier, but the business in Italy held us a bit.  – Jonathan explained. -       I’m so happy that you’re already here!               They sat down in the living room and indulged in the pleasant conversation. Jay watched her grandparents with sheer pleasure. Their youthful enthusiasm, energy delight and optimism. And the love that united them. At sometimes they acted like a couple of teenagers in love. They chuckled happily and kept touching each other briefly. Jay felt a pang of regret, but quickly chased away dark thoughts.   -       And how are your brothers? – Grace asked. -       Everything is fine with them. We meet for Christmas soon. – She said joyfully. – And when it comes to holidays… - She began uncertainly. – I’d love to surprise my brothers. That’s why I’d like to invite you for Christmas to Purple Creek. -       Well … - Jonathan started slowly, weighing his word. – That’s very kind of you. -       Please agree! – She pleaded. – Dad already agreed. It’s been so long since we’ve spent Christmas together! – She convinced them. -       Honey! – Grace grabbed her granddaughter’s hand. – We’ll go with the greatest joy! I can’t wait to see our big boys! – She said excited. -       We’ll arrange everything with John. – Jonathan said. – We’ll fly on the twentieth or on the twenty-first. -       Actually, I have to go a bit earlier. – She said suddenly. – I need to stop in Los Angeles and convince Melanie Weakfied to come home for Christmas as well. – She explained seeing their surprised faces. -       Then I’ll arrange two flights. – Jonathan ordered in a tone that no one could oppose.               When she came back home in the evening she was completely depleted of energy. ***             Flying in a private plane belonging to her grandparents was extremely pleasant, although Jay felt a bit uncomfortable. Her family never flaunted with money, what was more, they always supported charities and foundations. It made her feel proud. Her father always used charter flights, and so did her grandparents. However, recently they realized that they do not want to waste more time in queuing for check-in, so they bought a small private plane.             At the airport she rented a car. She was tempted by a shiny red BMW, but after a second thought she gave it up in a favor of black SUV. She always felt better in big cars. After about an hour she managed to reach the district where Mel was renting her flat. She parked next to her slim, renovated Porsche and cut the engine. A hard task awaited her. When she last called her friend and suggested going home for Christmas, the girl immediately tensed up and began to excuse herself with a lot of work. Jay had no choice. She had to put Mel in front of a fait accompli.             She sighed deeply and got out of the car. She headed to the back of the building where stairs led to the second floor. When she stopped at the door she knocked vigorously. After a while she heard footsteps. A bit heavy, but it could be a matter of acoustics. The door opened and a tired face surrounded by messy blonde hair appeared to her eyes. -       Yes? – The guy asked in a hoarse voice. -       I’m looking for Mel. – She said, slightly surprised to see a half-naked man, but she could not expect from her friend that she would remain single after breaking up with her brother. – I’m Jay. – She added when the guy was watching her suspiciously. -       Mel’s friend! – He came to his senses. – I didn’t recognize you! -       Drew? – She said surprised. – You’ve changed your hairstyle. – She noticed. -       Yeah. – He was a bit embarrassed. – Please come in! – He let her in. – I thought you’re in New York. – He pointed out. -       That’s where I came from. – She smiled. -       Mel will go crazy! – He was really excited. – Mel! – He shouted towards the apartment. – You have a guest! -       Jay?! – Mel appeared at the threshold of her spacious studio. – What are you doing here?! – She was surprised, but happy. She quickly threw herself into her friend’s arms. – It’s so good to see you! But you were supposed to go home for holidays! – She pushed Jay at arm’s length. – Something happened? – She asked worriedly. -       Everything’s fine! –She assured. – I’m glad to see you as well! And yes, I’m going home. – She answered all questions. – However, I’m not going anywhere without you! – She added firmly. -       I’ve already told you that I’m not going anywhere! – She snorted angrily and returned to her studio. -       Would you like some coffee? – Drew offered. -       Yes, please. – She smiled. – Strong and black. With sugar. – She added and followed her friend. -       You’ll have to do a lot to convince her. I told her to go, but she won’t listen to me.               He went to the kitchen and Jay pulled the door handle and entered without knocking.   -       He’s a really nice guy. – She said leaning against the frame. -       Drew? – Mel asked surprised. – Yeah, he’s a great guy. – She admitted. – We live together. -       Congrats! – Jay felt uncomfortable. -       He’s gay! – Mel added, seeing the consternation on her friend’s face. – Listen Jay! – She put down the brush and the palette. – I don’t want to go home. I have no strength to meet Christian. – Tears glistened in her eyes. -       Mel! I know it’s hard for you. – She came closer and hugged the girl. – What my brother did deserve a good kick! And it’s you who can do it! -       What do you mean? – She asked intrigued. – He doesn’t want me anymore. -       And here you’re wrong. – She said firmly. – He pushed you away from him, convinced that he’s protecting you from the danger which undoubtedly is the release of the beast that is in you. But if I understood it right, only I can do it. He’s not dangerous or you. -       You’re sure? – Jay could hear hope in Mel’s voice. -       I am! Moreover, if you stay in LA you’ll give him satisfaction. He’ll be convinced that you’re suffering and you want to avoid him! -       I don’t understand. -       Just go with me! Have fun! Show him that what he’s done to you didn’t break you! Let him suffer a little! -       It’s a bit cruel, don’t you think? – Mel had doubts. -       And was it fair that he rejected you?! – Jay asked angrily. -       You’re right! – Mel rubbed her tearful her face. -       Cheeky girl! – Drew said, carrying a tray of coffee and biscuits. – Kick his balls! No offence! – He added glancing at Jay. -       Not taken!               She smiled at her friend’s roommate. A thought had already dawned in her head.
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