The intimidating fear

2130 Words

After that, They were back to training again. All of them went back to the land of the Nod. They had to ride the Angels again. '' I know that you had too much fun last night. But you are back to training again today. So there won't be any training lacking in here I hope, '' Chris cleared this thing to them who were standing beside each other now. '' Where's my response?'' she asked crossing her arms in front of her chest. '' Yes Ma'am, '' Angelica replied. '' What about others?'' She asked again. '' Stop this already, yes yes,'' saying this Daniel walks out of there. Angelica runs after him. '' Loosen up, it's the first day only,'' said Dina patting her on the shoulder. They all head towards the Angels now. When they were inside the machine the hatch closed. When this happened,

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