Chapter 2

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Chapter 2Fifteen years later At the tap on his door, Ryland looked up from his book, but took care not to disturb the large tabby cat on his lap. “Come in.” “Evening, Ryland. I brought you your cocoa.” Ballard came into the room, carrying a tray set with a steaming jug wrapped in a cloth and two mugs. “Are you still studying?” he asked with a shake of his head. “I’m so close, Ballard. So close I can taste it.” Ryland set his book on the low table at his side, absently stroking Grimalkin as the cat purred his approval. “One more year as apprentice to old Henry and I’ll be an apothecary in my own right. And, as you know, when my twenty-first birthday came around a couple of years back, he started teaching me the skill of the surgeon.” “You’re a great apothecary, already. People say you have the healing touch.” Ballard grinned, reminding Ryland of the young boy his father had shoved into his life as his servant. Not that I was a man myself. Just sixteen years old and beginning my apprenticeship. Ballard was meant to be just a servant, but he’s become so much more to me. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that he’s not yet nineteen. Tall, muscular, and with a better beard than I could ever hope to grow. He looks more the man than I do. “Thanks. Henry’s already decided to retire once I’m qualified. That means I’ll already have my own place and a clientele that know me. Couldn’t be more perfect.” Ryland poured his drink and indicated Ballard should sit and join him. “And…your father?” Ballard asked as he poured his own drink. “I really don’t care to discuss him.” Ryland wrinkled his nose and Grimalkin growled. “I don’t remember a time when I loved, or even liked him. I don’t respect him, either. I’m doing this not because it’s the future he had planned for me, but because I’m damn good at it and once I’m an apothecary, I’ll have my own income. With that, I’ll have freedom. You’ve seen my mother. Can you believe she’s only just over forty? She not only looks older, but there’s a haunted look in her eyes. I may not have father’s money, but I could bring her here.” “Do you think she’d leave him?” Ballard asked. “I don’t know. He’s ruined her life. But I won’t let him ruin mine.” “He’s a powerful man, Ryland.” Set down his mug and leaned forward. “With a long reach. I advise caution.” “You think I haven’t planned this?” Ryland set his own drink down and mirrored his friend’s stance. “I’ve been planning this from childhood. I don’t remember much of growing up. Just that I was very lonely and took refuge in imaginary friends. We used to live in a house with a big garden. Then we moved into town. It was then I decided I’d acquiesce to his demands about schooling and his choice for my profession.” “I’m sorry,” Ballard murmured. “I don’t understand why he thinks a surgeon for a son is so important. I’d have expected him to want a physician. They’re higher up the social scale and earn more money.” “If there’s one thing I can say about my father, it’s that he doesn’t do anything without a good reason.” Ryland pursed his lips. “I’m surprised he allowed me to live away from home. But then, I can’t abandon my mother. I also get the feeling that if I had tried to make a run for it, or wasn’t studying as I should, he’d know. When we meet, he has that smug expression. It’s like he knows what I’ve achieved even before I tell him.” “Rich men can pay for favours that others wouldn’t normally offer.” Ballard’s voice was soft. “Even if they don’t want to do them.” “That sounds like something my father would do, too. But you’re probably being too polite in regard to the way he’d behave. Still, wanting my freedom and independence, and that of my mother, from my father worked in my favour. They were my motivations.” Ryland leaned forward. “And you need never fear. When this place is mine, you will be my apprentice.” “You would do that? For me?” Ballard stared at Ryland who nodded emphatically. “I have it all worked out. You know you’re more than a servant to me. Don’t you?” “I…I have to go.” Ballard stood quickly. “You’re a good man, Ryland. Don’t ever let your father take that from you.” “Ballard…” Ryland reached for his friend, but the other man was already hurrying to the door and left without a backward glance. My father. He’s afraid of my father, too. If he were to uncover my plans, he’d find a way to stop me. Only Henry and Ballard know. I have no friends besides Ballard. Father thought it was due to my diligence, but in truth if there’s one thing I picked up from Father, it’s to trust no one. Freedom is within my grasp and nothing, not even Father, is going to take it from me.
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