Chapter Seventeen - Familiar

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Zarina finally found a space where she could freely call without anyone seeing this weird mirror where Luther can reveal himself. “We’re talking after I get home Luther, for now, I have to go take a taxi,” Zarina coldly informed him before calling for a taxi. Luther, on the other side, stayed quiet while gazing at his familiar that was scolding him at what’s happening around their home. “Master, now you have to tell me what happened or I wouldn’t be able to help you!” Wayne yelled this time, so Luther just grunted while hiding on the corner. “You can’t help me, Wayne, just go back to your camp and leave me,” Luther suggested while playing with his wand. “I can’t! Especially when I’m seeing this!” Wayne pointed at the huge mirror that was glowing, “You can’t lie to me! Didn’t you promise you’ll stop looking for our mentor?!” Luther just bit his lower lip before sighing, “I just can’t stop looking for him Wayne, you know how special he is to me!” He furiously exclaimed, so his familiar shook his head. “See! I knew this was your fault! You experimented with something and you caused this mess!” Wayne claimed, so Luther just hugged his knees. He feels like he’s getting scolded by his mother and father, and he has to deal with Zarina later on too. But he couldn’t erase the fact that he’s highly pissed off at what Luke did to Zarina, he couldn’t understand why he was feeling that way as he remained sulking on the corner. “Not only that! I think you gained another companion whom I don’t know if it’s good for you or not! She’s dangerous!”  “Zarina is just a human that doesn’t wield any magic, why is she going to be dangerous for me Wayne?” Luther rolled his eyes before biting his lower lip, “Besides, nothing strange happened around when that thing appeared,” “If there is something strange, I would’ve known,” Luther can’t open up about what he’s currently trying to find out together with Zarina, they have to experiment with bugs or something. “Master, this is going to be a pain for me, what if Wizardians found out about this? Strange magics aren’t allowed inWizardia and you know that,” Wayne flew around their house while blowing some fire, “I can’t just let you be in danger,” He added. “I’ll be fine Wayne, did you forget about me being the greatest wizard of all time?” Luther raised his voice as he proudly stated his title. “I’m starting to doubt that title, you should be more careful master, you may be the greatest, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get into danger,” Wayne coldly stated, so Luther just sighed. They both stopped after hearing a door opening and closing from the other side, so Luther immediately stood up to check on the mirror and levitated over there. Wayne almost hid when she saw a woman with burgundy hair and emerald eyes leaning on the space in between doors just to look at Luther. He thought that she looked like she’s ready to break someone into a thousand pieces. She looked so feisty and cold that it sent shivers down his spine. “You’re back,” Luther happily smiled as his familiar gazed at him intently. Wayne also thought that his master was acting strange about this human being. “Luther, what you did a while ago was wrong, how could you do that without telling me?” Zarina immediately raised her voice, and both Wayne and Luther instinctively backed away for a moment. They almost thought a terrifying witch was talking to them. The witches in Wizardia would scare anyone with just their voice, they’re one of the most dangerous beings that Luther doesn’t want to interact with. “Humans don’t like them being stalked about something they’re trying to excel at doing, that’s very rude of you to do, you could’ve at least informed me that you’ll do that, what if someone stole my phone and saw you?” Zarina thought of the worst case possible, so Luther bit his lower lip. “I-I’m sorry, I was just worried about you and I wanted to see how it went, that’s all!” Luther raised his hands in defeat, so Wayne’s eyes widened. His master is raising his hands in defeat, he never once did that here, especially on his opponents because he is the greatest wizard after all. Sometimes his knowledge scares everyone that he wanted to challenge him for his title, but Luther is just highly skilled and is dumb at some simple things that could be solved. “You sure it’s not because you’re not trusting me?” Zarina firmly asked, so Luther sighed in relief before nodding at her. “O-Of course, why would I not trust you to do things? I’m the one who taught you about socializing, sheesh!” Luther shakingly said before gazing at Zarina who looked like she was calculating her thoughts. “Fine, thank you for today,” Zarina turned her back on him before walking towards her living room. “I know you had fun today, even if you don’t tell me, I could hear what happened!” Luther happily informed, so Zarina immediately came back to glare at him. “And you think that is funny? It’s called stalking!” Zarina complained, so they continued arguing with each other until Wayne butted in. “You! How dare you interact with my master and make him do things he’s not fond of!” Wayne exclaimed before revealing himself from the mirror. “Wayne! What are you doing!” Luther was about to pull him away from the mirror but Zarina already saw him. Zarina’s eyes almost widened after seeing a small dragon that’s floating on Luther’s front, “Oh my, is that a pseudodragon?”  Luther and Wayne were surprised that she knew something about that, “How did you know he was that dragon?”  “W-Well, I used to watch movies and play games before when I was a kid and read something about familiars and such,” Zarina exhaled out a lungful of air before composing herself. “Is he your familiar? Now that I think of it, I forgot to ask you if you have one, wizards usually have one right?” She curiously asked, so Luther was surprised that she’s also taking this lightly. Nothing seems to surprise her aside from the venomous snake that almost had her before; he finds it strange. “Yes, us wizards usually have one, we summon them once our wands appear before us,” Luther casually informed, so Zarina just nodded. “I see, so one of the movies I watched before was right, plus the story I read about it,” Zarina wondered. “Hey! I’m talking to you! You’re not doing anything to my master are you?!” Wayne complained to Zarina, everyone could see how his nose blew some smoke. “Why are you asking me that? Your master’s been the one causing trouble for me,” Zarina coldly answered while glaring at the familiar. “Oi! Human, that’s not true because I don’t always cause you trouble!” Luther pouted while complaining. “And I don’t like you talking to me that way when I clearly don’t know you yet and you also don’t know anything about me,” She glared at Wayne, who whimpered and hid on Luther’s back. “M-Master, she’s scaring me waa!” Wayne loudly cried that astounded not just Luther, but Zarina as well. “Wayne, since when you were scared of someone? You’re always ready for battle,” Luther whispered, but Wayne sobbed on his back. Luther stopped when he remembered Wayne only cries when his mentor bullies him because of his weak mental state. That’s why he’s training on the camp to get used to the words being fired at him. He's very skilled at anything Luther asks of him, but when it comes to creatures fighting him off verbally, his focus is always distracted. “Wow, I can’t believe that the greatest wizard of all time has a weak familiar,” Zarina tried to provoke Wayne, but he just cried louder. “Is that all you got? Crying? I thought you were going to teach me some lesson for causing trouble with your master?” She added while gesturing her hands into weird movements, so Luther frowned while gazing at Zarina. “Stop it, it’s not good if he’s going to be taught that way,” Luther bit his lower lip, but Zarina just glared at him. “Luther, I read that familiars should be trained by their masters, are you training him?” She coldly tilted her head, so Luther just nodded. “I do, but it wasn’t enough so I put him on camp for him to expand his skills,” Luther informed her. Zarina then gazed at Wayne, who was still hiding on Luther’s back, “Stop crying and I want to see how you could teach me some lesson,” “No Zarina! You don’t know what he could do to you,” Luther worriedly stated, but Zarina didn’t mind him. She read something about pseudodragon before and she wants to find out if it works, “Wayne, you’re weak and your master probably doesn't need you for his fights,”  Zarina tried to provoke him, so Wayne stopped crying at what she said, “W-What do you mean? Master will always call for me to help,”  “Why would he if you’re acting like a cry baby?” Zarina raised her eyebrows. “Zarina, please, he might do something in the mirror,” Luther complained, but both of them didn’t mind him. Wayne sniffed for a moment before gazing at Zarina, “I-I’m not a cry baby you human,” He firmly said as Zarina noticed that his scales were glowing. “Oh? How could you prove to me that when you still have tears visible in your eyes?” Zarina almost smiled when he noticed that he was getting affected by it. Wayne stopped crying as he decided to face Zarina, “I-I’m not crying!” He screamed as his roars put Luther’s home into a mess. “Ahh! Wayne! My home!” Luther panicked as he used his magic to put things back into place, “Zarina, stop it!” “What did you say? I didn’t hear it,” Zarina commented so Wayne roared ‘I’m not crying’ once more that put Luther’s home into a disaster. “Waa! Wayne! Zarina!” Luther panicked as he kept on using his magic to put this place back to normal. “Feel better releasing it?” Zarina coldly commented while looking at that familiar, so Luther furrowed his eyebrows for a moment. “Y-Yes, I-I feel better,” Wayne commented while looking at his body, he felt so light after he roared. “You’re piling up your nervousness and anger, I could see it from how your wings are flapping,” Zarina coldly commented before sighing, “You should also learn to let out your emotions, you wouldn’t use your magic well if you can’t even be honest with yourself,” “If you need me, I’m going to clean up and rest since I already had dinner,” Zarina left after she said those words, “Maybe I’ll just make you guys one,” Luther heard her mention that in the kitchen, so he beamed before clapping his hands like he was pleased with what he had heard. “Please do make us one!” Luther cheered as he finished fixing up his place, “And you, stop roaring or you’ll break that mirror or some of my vials here,” He rolled his eyes at his familiar. “She helped me release my emotions, master, how did she do that?” Wayne was confused, so Luther just shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe because she’s Zarina? The feistiest women I had ever met?” He chuckled after he said those words. Wayne continued staring at himself as he decided to rest because he’s going back to the camp tomorrow. Luther was just surprised that Zarina managed to let Wayne let out his emotions, he never did that, so how did she do it? He just shrugged and thanked her for the dinner that Zarina made for them that night. Wayne was thrilled since it was the first time he ate a human dish. “I’m going to sleep now, Luther,” Zarina went to the bathroom while drying off her hair, she finished taking a bath a while ago after she washed the dishes and Wayne was already asleep as Luther also cleaned himself up. “Thank you for today and don’t ever do that again without telling me,” Zarina firmly said, so Luther just raised his hands before nodding. “I will and you’re welcome, and thank you also for the dinner,” Luther just smiled at her intently, they stared at each other for a long time as Zarina coughed to avert her gaze at him. “Good night,” Zarina left after she said those words, so Luther just smiled and watched her descend to her bed. “Good night, human,” To be continued…
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